hyacinthwild wrote in
Jun 02, 2008 18:07
Indiana Jones.
i walked out. it is a failure.
they do not know how to make movies anymore.
audiences do not need their intelligence undermined so.
even audiences from this school.
hyacinthwild wrote in
Mar 25, 2008 00:14
waste of time.
one day they can expect education to not mean anything.
but many people will know everything about Beethoven.
but not crime rates, home-less population, or how the university is with rapes.
the experience will takes us very far, yes?
hyacinthwild wrote in
Dec 29, 2007 00:22
i don't want to be here. I need to leave.
i hate this. i hate them. i hate you.
i wish i was still in that hellhole.
[All of that is deleted.]
this sucks.
[And then that is deleted too]
do not look for me in the room. i am not there.
your nose will scare my roommate.
skaal wrote in
Nov 23, 2007 18:59
It's nice to see you can articulate on things you can't even understand, it shows a certain grace.
hyacinthwild wrote in
Sep 12, 2007 12:03
i am proud of you.
[The above is up for about 10-15 minutes, so if you're fast like ninja, you might catch it.]
it will be better next year.