Apparition fail?! [ Active, Open ]

May 26, 2011 22:37

Characters: Fred Weasley, open
Time: Afternoon
Location: The Bean
Content: Fred is lost. This isn't Diagon Alley!
Format: either
Warnings: Lost wizard wandering about 8D

"Give her hell from us, Peeves."

He felt an immense feeling of satisfaction as the poltergeist actually saluted the two of them as they turned to leave. She shrieked after them, but they only laughed and continued flying off, leaving the Hogwarts grounds for good, as far as Fred was concerned. They raised their wands to Apparate away - it was quicker than flying the entire way - and with a crack, they vanished.

When Fred popped back into existence, the first thing he noticed was that they weren't in Diagon Alley. As a matter of fact, he had no idea where they were. Then again, George wasn't anywhere to be seen. Rain, instead of the bright shining sun back in Britain, came down on him in sheets. A well-trimmed park stretched out below him, and a giant... bloody hell, was that a giant, mirrored bean? Who in their right mind would...?

Actually, it was pretty cool.

He glided down - and that was putting it nicely, considering how much the broom rattled on the way down - to land before it, staring up at the distorted reflections. Weird. But as cool as it was, this wasn't the shop. He raised his wand once more to Apparate, a simple turn in place and--

--and he was staring at himself in the mirror bean again.

Okay, so broom and Apparition were acting weird. He wasn't in Diagon Alley. Something wasn't right here, so first thing's first: find out where the bloody hell he was. But of course, there was no one on the streets in this rain. He couldn't blame them. So then, time to find a shop.

Then something under the bean caught his eye. Alright then, forget finding a shop; this was shelter enough for now. It was time to investigate!

The thing... wasn't anything he'd ever seen before, Fred thought as he picked it up. "Sentinel Network? What the bloody hell is this thing?" he murmured, reading the screen. He examined the buttons carefully, pressing a couple, and suddenly a bunch of entries appeared, all made by different people. Journals and diaries, maybe? Who knew; Muggles were always coming up with the weirdest ways to do things. Of course, that was why Fred liked them.

Something flashed on the screen. "Recording?" Oh, he was making a post, wasn't he? These Muggles might be clever, but not enough to stop him! He made his diary entry and struggled to turn it off when he was finished. Then he went back to wondering what was going on, and where he should go now. Finding George was a priority. Finding out why his magic wasn't all working right was another. And getting out of this bloody rain - that was the biggest thing; it was getting cold out here. Fred stuffed the "Eggplant Elite" into his pocket - silly Muggles with their silly names for their silly little inventions; public diaries, really - and set out for the nearest shelter.

[character] fred weasley, [character] fleur delacour, open!

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