Just to cheer up the boys she knew... [Open]

Apr 10, 2011 20:44

Characters: Everyone and anyone
Time: Thursday afternoon
Location: Soldier Field
Content: A break in the thunderstorm means vampire!baseball
Format: Poster's choice
Warnings: Competitive spirit?

[Alice peers across the revamped football field. She has blocked off two-thirds of the field - one of the field goals has been replaced with home base and the other bases are spread far and wide in the traditional baseball diamond. The field is still damp from the constant storms pounding the city, and the sky is alarmingly gray with fat rainclouds. Thunder and lightning rattle the heavens above, but there is a surprising lack of rain.

Just like she had counted on.

A guess about the weather was better than anything - it meant that she had a small breakthrough in the chains encircling her premonition. And she had decided, well, to use it for some good. Pulling her baseball cap low over her short dark hair, she waits patiently for the others to show up, knowing that soon they will all be there - whether they wanted to or not]

[character] juliet van heusen, [character] alice cullen, [character] isa, [character] shard bishop, [character] axel, [character] vin, [character] thomas raith

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