Nothing to Fear

Feb 17, 2011 01:58

Characters: Terra and Linkara (ask first)
Time: After Eraqus arrives...whatever day that is
Location: Blackstone Hotel gym...later moving to a bar
Content: Terra is distressed, distraught, and feeling thing to do is to work out his emotion!
Format: Prose
Warnings: Yelling?  Angst buckets?  Manly men....well Linkara anyway...

Terra was panting already and he had only just started with a few swings of the keyblade. His face was pale but it had been pale when he'd come into the gym. He couldn't deal with this right now. He couldn't face his Master the way he was. He was glad his Master was alive again but the feeling overshadowing that was a sense of guilt and dread...among a few other things. The emotions swirled within Terra as he listened to his Master's voice over the phone before finally leaving it behind and heading for the gym.

At first it was just going to be a walk but before he knew it the keyblade was in his hand and he was going through a few practice forms with it. It only briefly helped because his mind still replayed his Master's voice before fading to the voice of anger and disappointment Terra had heard before he had helped in his destruction.

He pushed down the pain as he attempted a leaping blow, it was fine until he landed and pain shot up him like a jolt. Terra gasped and stumbled slightly, propping the weapon against the floor to catch himself. He supported himself against it, breathing heavy before picking up the blade and continuing again. He couldn't deal with pain right now...of either kind.

[character] master eraqus, [character] aqua, [character] terra, [character] linkara

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