At least there are no mimes. ~Active/Open~

Dec 26, 2010 10:12

Characters: Flynn Rider, open.
Time: Mid-Afternoon.
Location: The Summoner's Bean, well, just past it.
Content: A new arrival, you know the drill.
Format: Prose

Flynn wandered down the street, freezing. This really was turning out to be a horrible day. Everywhere it could go wrong it went wrong worse. The guards chased him halfway across the forest, some girl tied him up in her own hair, stole his swag, broke his smolder, and extorted his services to aid her see some lanterns that happen every year. He nearly got ripped apart at the Snugly Duckling, and that Horse was still after him (along with his former partners in crime, and the entire royal guard). And now... now he had no idea where he was, it was suddenly winter, his feet were freezing due to his boots not exactly being waterproof, there was snow on the ground AND, just to add to this all this, he was now girlless and swagless. I mean, at least with the girl around he had interesting company. Now this was just cruel.

"Okay, I fought off the guards with this frying pan," Flynn started, to himself, "dropped it due to that stupid horse, we ran away from the twins, the guards, the broken damn, into the small cave. I did that cool boot surfing on the water's surface thing which I would not have done if I KNEW I WOULD BE WALKING IN SOME UNKNOWN CITY IN THE SNOW!" Flynn shouted to the sky, at whatever God decided this was fair. He then drew out a sigh, fought off a shiver and kept moving, "Grabbed the frying pan into the cave and... here. Wherever here is."

He glanced around, trying to come up with a plan. God it was cold. Cold was in no way helping the plan thing, he was only walking to keep warmer, and hopefully find a jacket he could borrow without any forewarning or plan to return it. Something nice, that set off his eyes. That and food, warm boots, a nice indoor place to keep his feet from freezing, and then maybe figure out where Blondie went. She got into the cave first, she also wasn't wearing any shoes. He was pretty sure that if she was around here somewhere, those were bad things given the climate. "Well, Flynn Rider does always love adventures in far off lands..."

Very. Long. Day.

[character] flynn rider, [character] alice cullen, open!

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