It Could Be Worse. He Was Almost Blasted to the Moon

Dec 24, 2010 00:13

Characters: Takuya & VERY OPEN
Time: mid-day
Location: Bean of Summoning and working his way out
Content: Troubled eleven year old with the ability to turn into monsters wakes up and immediately starts looking for friends.
Format: Prose
Warnings: None that I'm aware of...

There was the sound of a groan coming from the south side of the bean. If one was to walk to that side they would find a young boy lying face down and asleep. Nothing was bleeding or broken but he looked like he might have just been in a fight. He’d been like that for hours and only recently did the groaning indicate that he was, in fact, still alive. Takuya's eyes started to flutter as he regained consciousness, "H-huh?" While his vision was still fuzzy the world was starting to come together and what he saw shocked the words right out of him. He sat up quickly, but the motion made him gasp out in pain. It was only through strength of will that he remained upright. Takuya closed his eyes again and breathed, "Okay, maybe it was just a hallucination. Maybe that blast did worse than you thought."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around, noticing all the buildings surrounding him that were distinctly...Earthen. Closer than the buildings was the strange metallic structure looming over him and dotted with craters, one of which he was very close to falling into. Whatever had happened to this city didn't look good and the fact that it looked like Earth was even more troubling. Takuya's mouth dropped open, "Don't tell me that Dynasmon blasted us back to Earth. What do you think Koji?" His voice sounded hoarse even to his own ears, but at least he was able to sit up. He turned his head, expecting to see Koji nearby or one of the others. The area, however, was empty of other life, Digimon or human. His eyes widened in shock and fear, "Koji? Tomoki? Guys?" Takuya pushed himself up, trying to get to his feet. They could be on the other side of this bean structure! They had to BE here!

As he went to move away his feet kicked something on the ground, causing it to clatter away. Takuya blinked and reached for his pocket, no his digivice was there. He looked down at the ground, "A cell phone," he muttered as he picked it up. He frowned at it but had other things on his mind right now so merely pocketed it and went to stand up fully.

Takuya had to support himself with the bean but slowly made his way around the structure only to find that there was no sign of his friends. Takuya stumbled again, nearly falling to his knees, both out of desperation and exhaustion, "No. You have to be here." He remembered seeing the code hovering around Izumi, Junpei, and Tomoki. Surely...surely they hadn't been destroyed in that blast? Takuya's hand curled into a fist and he pounded it against the structure, "What the heck happened? I have to find them no matter what! They have to be here." His face set into a look of determination and he pushed away from the structure...he HAD to find his friends and make sure they were okay.

[character] riku, [character] takuya kanbara

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