Completely indescribable.

Feb 19, 2009 10:35

Hello everybody. Penny's friends. Raluna's friends.

I want to apologize to all of you. I know I've been a complete dick since I met you. I know I may very likely have tried to have you killed. Tried to kill you myself. Attacked you. Humiliated you. The list goes on. And I'm sorry for it. Yes, Todd, I am even talking to you. My urge to punch you in the face is entirely non-existant right now.

If it weren't for all of you- if it weren't for you getting to know Raluna- if it weren't for Loire pushing herself into your lives- if it wasn't for you introducing her to Todd- if it wasn't for you inexplicably holding so few grudges- if it wasn't for you sticking your noses where they didn't belong- if it wasn't for that one day where Loire and 'Luna had to call me to help split up a fight between two full-grown dragons, I never would have met Penny. I might never have had a family.

My son, Rhydian Steven Lynch, was born this morning at 9:26am. And whatever pathetic little fleeting moments of happiness I have had before now- they've all been eclipsed. I love him. Damaraki says demons can't love, but Damaraki is fucking full of shit, and he always has been, so I sure as hell am not going to believe him now. I love my son.

Dama, Loire, thanks for living so goddamned long. If I hadn't lived long enough to get here and live through this day, my life wouldn't have counted for shit.

Close friends can visit, if they like. Penny's still exhausted from the labor (It went okay, but- 14 hours! I think she said something about missing the days of coughing up eggs instead when she was grinding the bones in my hand to chalk dust) so things shouldn't get too overwhelming straight off the bat.

The nurses keep trying to take Rhydian out of the room even though he's healthy and they can just do their goddamned tests inside the room. Fuck hospital bureaucracy, if I have to punch an intern in the face to get them to back off, I will. ...Wait, I'm not willing to punch Todd in the face, but I'd hit an intern? Jesus, what is this baby doing to me?


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