Jun 01, 2009 22:37
....and here's why:
so, bry and i are broke. as of now, my phone has been shut off, i'm almost to the point of losing my car and the water was shut off last week (it was turned back on that day, but still).
because of that money situation, i started working at Starbucks again. i worked seven days last week and started my first of many 13 hour days today. i come home to an email from my fiancee saying he was exhausted because i elbowed him in the face last night while i was sleeping, and my dog kept him awake the rest of the night. he then said when he came home this weekend he was going to be sleeping in the spare bedroom.
i'm already exhausted from this day, and now i come home to that! i can't even call him to tell him i'm upset/pissed!!
he has not once said "thank you for taking this second job" or "i'm sorry you're going to have to work so much". nothing. he has told me that i need to "suck it up. and stop complaining". i said one thing. ONE FUCKING THING about having to work two jobs and he jumped down my throat.
i understand he's stressed at work and not sleeping. i get that. i get that we haven't had sex in a month because i've been sick or he's been sick or the two of us are tired. i get that he was in a bad mood because we had to spend a day with his family who he can't stand. all of those things i get. what i don't get is why he can't take three seconds and look at me and say "thanks for doing this. i appreciate it." why can't he fucking do that?!!?!?!
and now i'm going to bed...pissed.
it's bullshit.