What is Love?

Feb 25, 2006 14:20

Love is one of those things that exists, but can't be contained. It's experiential not physical, but it certainly affects our physical well being. It's one of those things that you know it when you feel it, and you know it when you see it. My simple definition is that love is the feedback one senses from the spiritual connection that we have with ourselves and other beings. Therefore, we need to be aware and intentional in order to sense love. I say spiritual connection because it is a virtual, invisible and emotional connection. First we need to be aware of our spiritual core. Then the greater that we are aware of our connections with others, the greater we sense love on many levels. As we act on that connection we increase our love.

We can also lose our ability to sense this connection if we become distracted, or treat others as objects that serve us. Friendships and even family relationships can never be taken for granted. Long term relationships are fed by awareness and action. I've been married for over 25 years and not a day goes by that at least once I don't think of my wife and either wish she were with me, or I think of some way that I can make her happy. I have 2 messages from her that I save on my answering machine at work because they are just random calls that she made to tell me that she was thinking of me and that she loves me.

This past weekend, I spontaneously decided to draw my wife a warm bath with candles and peaceful music. I told her to put on a robe and to follow me. She was suspicious at first, but then when she saw the bath, she asked "What's gotten into you?" I told her that I had no idea, but that I just wanted to do something for her. Then when she finished with the bath, I gave her a full body massage and brushed her hair until she fell asleep. I wasn't looking for anything in return, which I think was the real act of love. All week we've been on a wavelength that I can't explain. We've been hanging together like when we first met. All I can say, is that we have become re-aware of our connection and it feels like love.
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