Dec 31, 2007 18:40
here at the end of yet another 365 day cycle is me on a couch, flaked on with no where to go. this year is one i really was looking forward to sending off.
this year was not one to remember fondly. and as i am often a glass-half-full kinda gal, i suppose i choose to see it that way. my dad almost died and was in a coma for 3 months. we had to put my cat down. i had to testify in court against a friend. i had to graduate without a plan. i had to move home into this tiny little house with all my shit which i still haven't unpacked. i had to get a job at a trailer park.
i just feel all around defeated. (emo little rachel appears). what the hell is the point? i'm not doing anything that i want to do. and i feel like i can't, like its effing impossible to make a fulfilling life out of these little talents i have.
okay okay, to be fair...good things happened this year? my dad DIDN'T die. i graduated with honors. i got in a play. everything i did with theatre went well. mmm....that's about it. ::thumbs up::
so eff you 2007. you were a total bitch.
and the icing on the bittersweet cake is ONCE AGAIN! i am flaked on at the last minute. alone. at home. pissed at the world.
so for 2008, i hope its 100% better than this year. i would like a new job doing something that doesnt kill my brain cells. i would like to find a few new friends. i would like to move the hell out of my house. i would like a boyfriend. i would like to find a church. i would like to LOVE LIFE instead of being apathetic and numb about everything because it all seems so shitty. i would like to be creative every day. i would like to develop a taste for tea and wine. i would like to feel good about myself. i would like to have a thicker skin. to be braver and bolder and better.