Jan 21, 2007 21:10
i didn't get anything done today.
i have so much crap to do! arjughdslfjakdm,d .ef.
updated to do list:
-get printer cartridges..
-print out everyone's poems for our class, and then copies of my 3rd poem for everyone.
-oh yeah, write the 3rd poem.
-read death of a salesman.
-reread oedipus.
-write a comparative 5 page paper on the two.
-print that.
-research my play subject some more (I DID SOME TODAY! YAY!)
-write the play.
-get black socks. if marc finds out i've been wearing the same grey sock and green striped christmas sock for rehearsals (yes gross. i dont wear socks! i don't OWN socks. or, rather, i did. and they disappeared. rightly so, i suppose.) then he will be mad.
-and an assortment of memorizing my lines, cleaning up my stage manager notebook, uh, "cleaning" my room.
rawr. incur my wrath. i dare you.
aw screw school. i'm playing my guitar.