1-Couchcon was great. (You know, back in April.) People came and sat on my couch and we marathoned Zyuranger and it was delightful.
2-The lovely fiancee and I adopted a kitty. He was a stray and now he's ours. And also he's an asshole, but a cute one.
2a-He has multiple songs. One of which is to the tune of Joxer the Mighty but is "Buddy the Kitty" because I am a dork
3-Family is exhausting.
4-The wonderful fiancee got into a car accident, car got totaled. It was the other person's fault, but we're still dealing with the fallout of having to unexpectedly buy a new car right before DragonCon.
5-Speaking of DragonCon, I might have spent most of it hiding in the hotel room playing Dragon Age: Origins because I have a problem.
5a-Human noble rogue romancing Alistair (just got to the Dalish) and human lady mage romancing Leliana (just finished with the Dalish and heading to the dwarfs.)
6a-Speaking of Dino Charge, can we please talk about how there needs to be ridiculous porn and also epic length romance fics immediately???? LOOK PHILLIP IS A PRINCE AND IVAN KNEELS TO HIM. THE PRINCE AND THE CAVEMAN ARE FRIENDS. PHILLIP IS GOOD AT GIVING ORDERS AND SIR IVAN JUST WANTS TO PLEASE THE ROYAL FAMILY. SHELBY IN THAT DRESS AND KENDALL IN THAT SUIT.
Also Koda and Ivan getting hamburgers. AND THEN BONDAGE WHY IS THIS CANON.
7-Football. WTF is with your quarterback, Auburn? It is too early in the season for this.
8-Work is good. Actually, its pretty great. Which is nice.
9-We pushed back the wedding so it wouldn't conflict with Morphicon. Because reasons.
10-And I have podcast stuff to do. I should work on that.
11-And I need to figure out the dates for Alphas.
.... I know I haven't updated in literally 6 months (I KNOW) but I do read my flist. So if you have any questions about what I'm up to or anything just let me know. Or if you just want to listen to me complain about how I can't romance Morrigan as a lady because seriously I have been whining about that for weeks. Or if you want to talk about Sir Ivan as fandom bicycle. REALLY JUST TALK TO ME ABOUT STUFF.
This entry was originally posted at
http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/863173.html. Comment wherever you want.