So the fiancee(!!!) and I have moved in together, and the new apartment is lovely. And she's lovely. We're mostly done unpacking? I have a lot of stuff. And I am successfully playing a video game which is also exciting, since I pretty much ragequit on my first two tries. (I am playing it on EASY but WHATEVER.) (For the record, Saints Row IV is delightful and I am having so much fun with it.)
In other news, Power Rangers Dino Charge is still delightful, Yoshi is still made of magic, Ninninger is fun, and apparently Drive is starting to suck less. I am slightly behind on all things. And the
Podcast is still going really well and I'm having a lot of fun with it. And couchcon is in less than a month!
And the Power Rangers worldbuilding exchange is open for
sign-ups and you should all sign-up and write me fic about how fandom works in a world with superheroes. /priorities.
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