Hoping for a better year

Jan 01, 2014 23:17

Last night's karaoke was lovely, as was this mornings brunch. I would like the year to continue to be lovely. I adore the Lohrists so much.

First -
snowflake_challenge: In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I still love the answer I wrote for this last year -

Dying of the Light, my bad and wrong AU for "what if the spell on Tommy was never broken and the original Rangers were killed?" It also features Adam/Scorpina, because its me.

Musketeer Beginnings, which is Adam/Rocky/Aisha poly fic, set immediately before/during A Ninja Encounter. (.... I should really write the sequel I planned.)

Reporting Live, which has an outsider POV of the Rangers from their first appearance through Countdown to Destruction. (It was supposed to be the lead-in to an Adam/Kim fic that I never wrote. Oops.)

And Unexpected Benefits of Badfic cowritten with
lielabell, which is ridiculous Adam/Kira where Kira finds out Adam writes RPF about the Rangers.

Adding in to last years recs, have three other fics I wrote and love.

Soar Like an Eagle, Fierce as a Tiger, in which Taylor is Gia's aunt.

My Big Fat Ranger Wedding, Adam and Tanya just want to get married. Too bad they're both famous and also they couldn't even graduate high school without it being attacked.

So You Want to be a Power Ranger. I... have so many feelings about this. I started writing it with Kim - about half the items on the list are hers, although I wrote the other half of the list and the framing device. We had originally planned to expand it by writing the chapters, but that obviously never got the chance to happen. Its by and far my most popular fic, which is a nice tribute to her, at least. ♥

Next - Topics in January! I still have a ton of days available and I had to poke at twitter to get a topic for today. So! Today I am talking about Jubilee for

I started reading comics for two reasons - first, because my dad's pull list used to read "everything DC and Marvel" and second, because of Batman: the animated series and X-Men: the animated series. I originally had no interest in the comics, but then I started watching the cartoons and stealing my dad's comics because Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, and Jubilee were on the covers. And that is how I started reading comics. (And then Dad had a fit and dropped all of his X-Men comics because reasons. But Jubilee was starring in Generation X by that time, and I started buying comics, because that was MY GIRL.)

I know a lot of people found her super annoying in the animated series, but I loooooooooved her. I thought her powers were great, and I loved her relationship with Wolverine. I am forever in favor of the teenage sidekick, and I especially love when they get to grow up and continue to be awesome. And Jubilee just... resonated with me. I loved when she taught Xavier to roller-skate, I love all of her "when I was with the X-Men" stories with Generation X. I love her insane fashion sense. I love her relationships with Gen X. I love ALL OF HER ISSUES, because that's a prerequisite for being on the X-Men, practically. Pretty much the only comics I bought since I moved have been because Jubilee was in them. (Nation X #2! Girl Comics! Wolverine and Jubilee! X-23! X-Men! SERIOUSLY JUBILEE ADOPTED A BABY I AM PRETTY SURE I WROTE THAT FANFIC.)

Basically, she is my favorite forever and I adore her.

This entry was originally posted at http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/849758.html. Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, lohrists, friends, topics meme, snowflake challenge, recs, fandom: comics

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