[OOC] Permission

Nov 24, 2010 00:00

So people know on the issue of Illusions that Zexion controls, I've decided to handle them in a way which I think shouldn't accidentally force any characters into situations they may not like; so here is how the ability will pretty much work here:

The start of the illusion is powered by Zexion's own power and mind, a few seconds into development of the illusion however the sustainability of it switches from Zexion's metaphorical hands to those of the one against whom the illusion is being used against.

If the mind of the target is weak and/or gullible, and they believe what it is seeing (even for a moment) then they in a sense keep the power connected to the illusion and allow it to continue until they either realize its not real (where upon it shatters/dissolves) or Zexion puts a halt to it.

However, if the mind is rather strong or it doesn't believe what it is seeing as being real then the illusion shatters and fades away, the power severed. Either way, there is a set of precious few seconds where Zexion will be hidden via the cast illusion, which is the real aim of the cast illusion most times as those few seconds will most times give him enough time to put distance between him and the threat/attention he sought to escape from.

So the question is I suppose; how weak or gullible is your character? Or just how strong of mind are they? What are they apt to believe and apt to dismiss as fake right away?

Also as shown in the games Zexion actually fights in; Zexion can mimic the attacks of his opponents. What abilities would he be allowed to mimic should he and your character for some reason end up fighting? What abilities are off-limits?

Also the man likes to scheme and plot, can he use you in any plots he might come up with?

Last but certainly not least; Zexion has the ability to identify the "scents" of others, with great accuracy and at great distances. The "scent" he smells may be based off other things than mere odor, and is affected by presence of darkness in the heart, an entity's power within a certain location, and other factors. Just what would he smell from your character?

permissions, ooc

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