[Vatheon; Application]

Sep 07, 2010 14:31

[ Player Name ] : Miri
[ Personal LJ ] : jadeemperor
[ Age ] : 31
[ Timezone ] : Eastern
[ Other Characters ] : Sephiroth | glorious_mercy | FFVII: Crisis Core

[ Character's Name ] : Zexion (Ienzo)
[ Character's Age ] : Unknown, around twenties most likely
[ Series ] : Kingdom Hearts; KH 358/2 Days, CoM, Re: CoM
[ Canon Point ] : Taking him from just after Vexen's unfortunate demise in Re: CoM

[ History ] :
http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Zexion & http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Ienzo

[ Personality ] :
In keeping with his element, Zexion is not always what he might seem when you first meet him, the man is intelligent, polite in manner and speech, and scheming enough to earn him his title of 'Cloaked Schemer'. Due to his small stature and lack of the physical strength that others in the Organization have, he chooses usually to combat his enemies from a distance, using his mind and cunning to ensnare them in his illusions and at times pit them against others via sometimes rather involved plots which not only would take care of his enemies but get him that much closer to whatever goal he might have had in mind when he began the plot in the first place.

The man also has something of a work ethic, if you try to slack off or just do as your told and make no effort to do your job to the best of your ability; Zexion makes no effort to hide his disdain for those that don't do their jobs properly. If you want the man's respect, don't try and do things by halves and be lazy about your work.

Quiet, reticent, and small enough to get away with standing unnoticed in the shadows, Zexion isn't one to seek or make grabs for attention. However if he does get such attention directed at him, his methods of dealing with it usually vary according to just what sort of attention he's gained.

He'll be reasonably friendly if it's of no threat to him, if you're lucky, you might even manage to get some humor out of the man, you just have to work on getting him to be able to relax the serious nature he's usually got going for himself. If threatened however, he'll attempt to escape the situation right as the promise of any personal threat rears its ugly head.

Despite appearing to be emotionally aloof and seemingly anti-social (Due to this and his apparent hairstyle the poor man is the butt of seemingly endless emo jokes), Zexion does have a sense of humor and is able and willing at times to jest with other members within the Organization. As with Axel and the jesting about whom would die next. Also during the dialogue that Axel has with the Replica, Zexion is clearly horrified at the idea of dying by the Replica's hands.

On a parting note, it might be a good idea not to let the quiet, aloof manner fool one into thinking the man is meek in nature. Provoked via non-threatening means, he has a slight tendency to get excitable and show off the temper his unassuming appearance tends to hide. Also never try to win an argument with the man unless you come well prepared to defend why you think what you do about whatever it is your trying to express, the man is a damn good debater when he wants to be.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Zexion has a very intelligent and quick mind, strategy comes easily to him when needed and is often part of any of the various plots he might come up with to gain whatever goal he might be after. It also helps him in his manipulation of those he chooses to use for his own ends. Having nothing but memories of emotions and being unable to actually feel them like most do has enabled him to either ignore them as he sees fit or use them in his plans against people without causing him to suffer any remorse or guilt for it.

Like the others in the organization, Zexion has both an element and a weapon he can dismiss and summon to him in times of need or whenever he so desires to. His weapon looks nothing like an actual weapon however, considering that to the observing eye it merely looks like a rather large leather bound black book. Using the Lexicon, Zexion is more than capable of dealing physical damage with it, but more often than not chooses to stay at range in any fighting he becomes involved in.

Zexion can use this Lexicon to mimic the attacks of his enemies as well as create clones of himself to attack and further confuse his enemy. He can also if so desired trap his enemies in a separate dimension within the book, though this may just be a well-crafted illusion to create the idea that the person has been transported from their previous location to a completely new and highly more dangerous one.

Zexion also has the ability to identify the "scents" of other people and entities, with incredibly great accuracy and over great distances. The "scent" he detects may be based off other things than mere odor, and is affected by presence of darkness in the heart, an entity's power in the area, and other factors.

Due to Zexion's lifestyle choices and his body type, the small man isn't that fit for physical combat. While Zexion may have decent upper body strength from his carrying books (especially that Lexicon of his), it’s not that well suited to be used in close combat fighting and if he's given any choice in the matter, he’d rather do his fighting through others or avoid the fight completely.

Zexion's advanced sense of smell can also put him in a bind (or worse) as well if it is assaulted by loud or overly harsh smells that he can't get away from, such assaulting scents can also interfere with his ability to track people via their smell. It also takes the man some time to adjust to places with a riot of smells.

Due to his role as a researcher both in his youth and in the Org, he can sometimes be distracted by the possibility of it when such chances arise.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Due to the issue illusions can bring I likely will treat them in the following manner: The start of the illusion is powered by Zexion's own power and mind, a few seconds into development of the illusion however the sustainability of it switches from Zexion's metaphorical hands to those of the one against whom the illusion is being used against. If the mind of the target is weak and/or gullible, and they believe what it is seeing (even for a moment) then they in a sense keep the power connected to the illusion and allow it to continue until they either realize its not real (where upon it shatters/dissolves) or Zexion puts a halt to it. However, if the mind is rather strong or it doesn't believe what it is seeing as being real then the illusion shatters and fades away, the power severed. Either way, there is a set of precious few seconds where Zexion will be hidden via the cast illusion, which is the real aim of the cast illusion most times as those few seconds will most times give him enough time to put distance between him and the threat/attention he sought to escape from.

[ Sample ] :
First-Person Sample:
Video post made on Network while previously in Vath
[Audio, filtered to Xigbar]
So far I've not noticed any changes in this world, have you? Since I still can't go anywhere outside of this world yet, it would seem the wall separating it from the rest of the worlds is still intact despite the addition of the Darkness.

So now what is to be done? I imagine your lady friend out there has likely 'eaten' the entire town by now, and if she hasn't then likely her new companions have. Though on that note it seems a little strange they haven't made their way into this place already, considering the amount of hearts which this hotel contains. You think perhaps the building has some manner of defense which keeps them from sensing those hearts, or perhaps it destroys what attempts to enter?

There must be some reason why no one here yet has afoul of them within the confines of the building since I imagine the city itself has to be nearly if not completely devoid of any hearts considering the time the Lady has run amok with her smaller 'friends'.

Third-Person Sample:
The side alley beside Traverse Town's accessory shop was admittedly poorly lit, but had anyone actually been in it they would have likely noticed the fact that the far end of the alley was growing increasingly darker by the second, the shadows seeming to slip from their normal places and behaviors to come alive and begin to race over the far wall in a thick circular moving mass which after having fully formed its intended oval shape, shortly birthed two silent, hooded dark clad figures into the alley.

Closing the portal behind them with a brief gesture of one hand, Zexion remained where he'd stepped through for a moment allowing certain senses to adjust to the abrupt new sounds and smells which came all crowding in begging for attention. Practice allowed quick dismissal of any which were unimportant and the cataloging of those which were possibly of both interest and use. For one he currently knew there was no one within hearing distance of them right now, and two, the town's population if he was to be any judge from its current state of activity among other things had been rather reduced since the last time they had observed the place.

"It would seem that this base of operations has been either abandoned or they have something going on which requires a rather considerable majority of their numbers to travel elsewhere.." Zexion observed quietly to the other man currently with him, walking from the alley's end to observe the square beyond it and the shop it lie beside.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :

ooc, vatheon, app

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