Memorial Day Barbeque

May 29, 2008 04:45

Well, the one at my house got cancelled.  Scottie had something with his church...(again...) and could not attend.  So I am rather ticked off at him right now...and L my sons worker had a migrane from her low blood sugar and her husband offered for me to come there and he would grill and then her whole family came also...

Alan was a little disappointed that the kids never got to come over and he wanted them to come play in his pool.  So I let Alan go in it for awhile and I even got in , when I had sometime and played with him in it.  He had a ball.  He said the height of the water was fine with him & thats the way he wanted it (because my backyard is on a hill, it would not fill up completely.  Which I am disappointed about)

So afterwards, we went and got Alans medication from the pharmacy , came home and packed for the barbeque.  When I got there L still was not feeling well, but as time went on she got better...We really had a nice time, Alan got to play with all the kids at the house and in the neighborhood.  They went swimming accoss the street and L and I watched them.  It was Alans first time in the big pool. Her neighbors had a 4 foot.  He did not want to go in at first, but when he saw all the other kids, he finally gave in.  It took him a while to get in the water, but once he did he was so proud of himself. He has been tyring to put his head under water and hold his breath.  So he tried to do this a few times.  The kids also jumped on the backyard trampoline...They had fun.  The adults had fun too trying out L's exercise equipment and see who could last the longest on it...LOL and M, L's husband  said he could do a pop and wheely on a scooter bike that belonged to one of her nephews..So we were all out there for that and he did do a small one and almost fell off.  L got it on video from her camera.  It was kinda funny.  But again, we all had a good time.

For the first time, in a long time, I wore a dress.  It was a jean dress. Jamie had given me a bunch of clothes she had like forever, that she could not fit in anymore.   I found these nice jean sandals at Walmart and they went perfectly with them. I felt akward...but it really was pretty dress...Sorry, i didnt get any pics...

I finally got the filter on Alans pool.  I had a time with it, but finally figured out what I was doing wrong.  At first I though it was defective.

Today the guy comes to fix my airvents for the airconditioning.  Every once in a while squirrels knock of the vents when they get up in my crawl space and they have to be reattached.  I had to clean up my walk in closet, because that is where the access panels are...

Fun, Fun, fun...and your weekend?
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