I'll be in Bangalore for three weeks (leaving soonish), training up new team members. This is really, really important, because right now, we have a 4 person oncall rotation, which is painful. Hopefully, by the time I'm done, we'll be ready for a 6 person oncall rotation...manifestly better.
I'll have limited time, but in case you were unclear on this, India has birds too - rather a lot of them. I'm going to have very limited free time for exploration, and I'll want to be efficient in how I use it. Since I'm not sure if I can bring my netbook with me, so I'm leaving this here in case of emergency.
Common Birds of Bangalore (including pics and habitat)
Birds of Bangalore checklist another wiki list of Bangalore birds - including pictures.
Birdwatchers' Field Club of Bangalore Birding in Karnakata Bangalorebirding Bandipur National Park Bangalore Birds archives guided tours? Ranganethittu Wildlife Sanctuary More as I find it.