Hi, this is
davmoo, posting in
sebab's journal by way of
Last night I was trying to think of a good, but germ free, get well and good luck gift for Stephanie. While I was thinking about that, I also realized I had forgotten to record last night's episode of "House, MD" to make sure she would have it when she got home. And thus I realized the perfect gift.
Stef needs a
Tivo. Especially since she will now need to spend time recuperating at home. Its something she certainly would enjoy, can use, and does not already have 7 of :-)
Unfortunately the ability to buy that all by myself is not entirely in my own budget just right this minute. So I'm going to "pass the hat", as they say. I figure it would be do-able to raise enough to get her a decent model Tivo and a lifetime scheduling subscription to go with it. If everyone reading this gave a few bucks, we're there. And any extra can go to a money order to Stef to help with the rent, food, buy her some DVDs, etc.
So I'm asking everyone here to pitch in. Donations can be made to my
PayPal account at 'ebaystuff@gibbousmoon.com'. My PayPal account is confirmed, certified, and all that good stuff. I'll start the ball rolling by putting in $50 (plus the $2 that was already in my PayPal account). And its a 'premium' account, so a credit card payment is fine. If you donate with PayPal, make sure you put the words 'stef' and 'tivo' in the subject line...I don't have anything else going on with the account right now, but that way its a sure thing I won't miss anyone.
If all you can do is stuff a $1 bill in an envelope and mail it to me, that's fantastic...its not the size, its the thought. Every dollar is a dollar closer. Checks are fine too. My snail mail address is:
David M. Moore
3900 S 550 W
Columbus, IN 47201-8970
If you snail mail something, email me and let me know so I know to watch for it. The one disadvantage to living in the country is how one's mailbox is on a stick by the roadside a tenth of a mile from one's house.
I'll send a reply to everyone who donates so you know it arrived, and I'll give Stef a list of everyone who donated, so she knows that its from 'all of us'. If you want to do an anonymous donation, let me know.
And yes,
jodawi is going to delete this message before
sebab can come home and read it ;-)
Of course, she's going to get the replies to this post in her email, so the surprise may be short-lived. Doh! Anyway, I'll be going to the hospital again soon (late start) and will phone someone to do an update after I see her. Was doing well this morning. -