Joints and Jams

May 13, 2011 11:21

It's way too early in the morning on a Saturday, and the eviction notice has been served. I want this kid out now. The lungs are developed enough where he or she should be fine. I don't think it's selfish. I've donated a lot of time to this kid, and now I want my body back. I want things to stop hurting and stop feeling squished. I want to be able to lean and pick something up without teetering over because my sense of balance is nonexistent. I think I've decided that I want it to be a girl because I can't deal with another Derek in my life.

I grab the chart to see how my burn patient did overnight, and review it at the nurses' station far away from her room. She has got to be my least favorite patient, even compared to the one who almost gave me HIV. That's how much I can't stand her.

aubrey, mark

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