Well, my friend is coming back to Seattle to do her bachelorette party, but her first choice, Pink, shut down a while ago. Anybody have any good suggestions? We do not want to do Bellevue.
Ok, I got friends coming in from outta town and I want to show them some world-class Seattle douche-baggery. I figured on the following options
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Hi Seattle, I'm going out for an early birthday dinner tonight (the big 3-0, ugh) and have narrowed down some options. I'm leaning heavily towards Toulouse Petit because the menu looks good (judging by the Yelp reviews.... who the hell doesn't have a website in this day and age?).... and they have absinthe. Now I'm a absinthe novice- I've had it
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I'm not too into beer or wine but I really love coffee drinks (e.g. Bailey's, Kahlua, White Russians - haven't tried what else is out there though). Is there a place in Seattle that specializes in mixed drinks/cocktails with coffee (if such a place exists
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My sister is planning her 30th birthday party to take place at 88 Keys, and she/I have a couple questions we're hoping you could help out with
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