Sep 21, 2010 23:05
INITIATIVES 1100 AND 1105 would put the state out of the liquor sales and distribution business. Here are some ways they differ:
1100: Allows retailers to negotiate with manufacturers and distributors for volume and other discounts; permits distilleries, wineries and breweries to give gifts larger than coasters and T-shirts to retailers; allows warehousing and buying on credit - all things currently prohibited.
1105: Eliminates liquor taxes and calls for new ones. Requires retailers to use distributors. Allows discounts on liquor, but not beer and wine.
I am cool with 1105. The huge liquor stores in Chicago are truly amazing and would love all the options here.
1100 is ripping at my Seattle hipster 'don't hurt small business' strings but not sure how much it would actually hurt them. I am a little indifferent to it.