WANTED: Pharmacies that aren't douchenozzles

Sep 21, 2010 10:40

I'm looking for a pharmacy that can actually fill and refill my prescriptions in a timely and competent manner.

You would think that this would not be that difficult of a request, and that the bigger pharmacies like Walgreens and Bartell Drugs would be able to manage this, but between the two of them, they've lost my prescriptions entirely (as in, have no record of ever having a drug I've been filling there for years), ignored my refill requests, failed to fax in refills to the doctor's office at all (and then lied about it) and just in general not been communicative, competent or helpful at. All. I'm tired of being forced to micromanage my refills (there are only so many times I can call my doctor's office and the pharmacy in a single day before I snap and start beating people to death with my cane) and would like to find a place that I can simply trust to competently fill/refill as requested the first time I request.

See, apart from my issues with my regular medications, Walgreens always delays any antibiotics I try to fill because they can't freaking read my history and see I have taken it before without any ill effects in spite of being intolerant of another antibiotic within the same family. They simply decide not to fill it, and do not inform me of the delay, so when I show up to pick it up (and of course, I'm feeling like death warmed over), they don't have it ready and go on about how they need to contact my doctor, which they don't bother even trying to do until I show up. FFS, just look at your records and give me my goddamn medication already. I'm dyin', here.

And when I run into the inevitable million snags trying to refill, Walgreens refuses to give me some meds to fill the gap, even though it's their fault there's a gap at all. Thanks to insurance's refusal to pay when it's "too soon," I can't refill meds early, so every month I have to deal with this ridiculous inability to get meds when I actually need them. I understand that I have eight prescription medications and most of them require doctor's authorization every single month, but you would think they could get the hang of that after a few years? Maybe? It's gotten to the point where I'm intentionally undermedicating myself in an effort to have 'leftovers' to get me through their bunglings. Fuck that.

Are there any pharmacies out there that you guys use and can count on, that use common sense and are competent, timely and reliable? Friendly would be awesome, too. I keep hearing that there must be mom and pop pharmacies still around somewhere, but I don't know who I can trust to not suck.

Yelp informs me that there's a "Sand Point Professional Pharmacy Katterman's" that seems like it might be good but there's only four reviews and most of them were not regarding their reliability in regards to refills (but apparently if you want a vaccination, it seems like a good place!). Pharmaca got kind of crap reviews and most of the positive reviews were about it being so close to Trophy cupcakes. I don't give a shit about cupcakes when I haven't slept in four days and I just need my goddamn prescription sleep aid kthx.

Anyone have their prescriptions regularly refilled by Katterman's that can vouch for them regularly having meds in stock (important!) and refilling reliably?

And if I am going to consider another big-box place, does anyone have good experiences with Costco's (Aurora Village) pharmacy? I kind of hate going into Costco, but if it secretly rocks socks, I'll go. How about Fred Meyer on 185th and Aurora? They're super close to where I'll be living soon, but I've never had good luck with grocery store pharmacies so I am leery of trying them.

I'm in Shoreline, or will be soon, and it'd be nice if the place was easily accessible, or had the option to mail out the meds OR pick them up in the store.

This crazypants post is brought to you by the number 42 and the letters S L E E P D E P R I V A T I O N. Thanks for putting up with the ranting, and please for the love of god if you have a snark MAKE IT HILARIOUS BECAUSE I NEED THE LULZ RIGHT NOW. I NEED THEM BAD. (I also need sleep, so if you have a spare zolpidem, that'd be great.) (no, I'm not being serious, because that'd be illegal, yo.) (...ahem.)

Edit: Oh, you know, it would be just as helpful to me if anybody wants to tell me what pharmacies not to go to so I can scratch those off my list. So, like, if you have rants, GO FOR IT.

services, medical

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