last time: bruce and sylvie got married, adopted a puppy, and had a little baby boy named atlas.
for some reason tiger lily and sylvie are best friends forever. for real, i'm so bad at paying attention to the pets. i'm surprised animal services hasn't taken them away yet.
father-son bonding GO
atlas: why is mom having more babies? aren't i good enough?
this is a legacy, darling.
atlas: well i call top bunk then
the baby isn't even here yet
i think madam's in heat cuz the fish's backyard is full of wild horses
atlas: here ye here ye i decree that all babies are banned from this house
sylvie: what are you doing
king of the dweebs
keep it in your dog pants tiger lil
atlas was the only to mourn her passing lol
atlas: why is death so cruel
oriole had another party, so i brought the whole fam even though bruce was the only one invited.
look! one of them had a baby named yasmin, i think.
there was no food (that autumn salad over there was from the LAST party oriole threw), so sylvie started making some hot dogs.
but oriole kicked sylvie out for being "inappropriate", and she went into labor right there on the sidewalk.
passive aggressive much?
sylvie: this baby is eating my insides
booker fish! he looks like a bruce clone tho.
(omg i forgot to put the walls up srry)
obligatory first day of school picture
atlas: who is this beautiful creature *smolder*
bus driver: i hate my job
atlas: i hate homework omg
this is the boy's room for the time being. it's so small. sorry, atlas ;A;
at least booker doesn't keep him up all night.
sylvie: save me. these kids are driving me up the wall.
make outs solve most everyday problems
other people use that shower, you know
using the children as a maid service
atlas: grumble grumble grumble
sylvie: i can't wait for the other one to grow up so he can do this shit instead of me
seriously the house is ALWAYS DIRTY UGH
for some reason bruce took booker to the fire station. child endangerment at its finest.
and then some crazy simbot shit was going down at the school
atlas: that robot set mrs. jacobson on fire
atlas: she was holding my math homework oh man now i'll have to do it over again
bruce: oh hai son
where's booker?
sylvie: please give me back my child before i shove your head through the tv
she stared at the wall for HOURS
and then switched into maternity
it takes my sims five hours to do one thing i swear
this is the last child of the gen btw
sylvie: hey atlas~ i'm preggo again. you're going to have another baby brother or sister. isn't that nice?
atlas: did i hear the words "baby" and "another" used in the same sentence?
butt shot
this fabio looking kid showed up at the house at 6 am, and just waited.
i refused to let him in the house.
sylvie: you better be a girl or so help me
i'd hate living in a house with three men too
pregnant hopscotch
aw man sylvie: omfg not again
booker: *demonic glaring*
note how the right wall is siding. i give up.
sylvie: FUCKIN A
poor kid. he is now officially scarred for life
sylvie you had two other kids you should be a pro at this
still not right
she has sylvie's coloring, freckles~, and bruce's nose, i think. it's hard to tell who they look like as toddlers. but i'm happy :)
cheryl has only been in the house for two minutes and she's already causing problems
booker: whoever you are please gtfo
cheryl what are you holding
i am so over toddler skilling
sylvie: *pet*
i present the gen two kids, everyone
booker's birthday woo!
(i need his crib for cheryl)
these kids make the weirdest faces atlas: does this mean i get my own room?
maybe he's born with it
booker is such a bruce clone he makes me cry. he might have sylvie's nose though?
anyway, he rolled snob.
birthdays are tiring
booker: bro why aren't you using a napkin? you're going to get crumbs everywhere, and we'll get a gnome infestation. do you want gnomes climbing all over the furniture?
atlas: someone hold my earrings i'm gonna kick this kid's ass
sylvie: you need to stop watching so many jersey shore reruns at once
you'll get your own rooms someday, kids
why is this a thing that exists
booker: mr. hand, what are you doing, dude?
booker: no man not like this :c
you poor child
since it was a saturday, the fam went to the pool! seriously, the kids are always busy doing homework, so they never get to do anything fun. i feel bad for them.
sylvie: just keep swimming just keeping swimming
atlas chooses to spend most of the time reading for some reason
booker magically grew hair
booker: yo man it feels like i'm flying this is some sick shit
and bruce was stuck skilling mwahaha
sylvie + fire = nothing good
sylvie: dance my little flame DANCE
this is a kodak moment if i ever saw one
sylvie: holy crap this is delicious
wait where is your other child
sylvie: NOM NOM NOM
poor cheryl is stuck eating her own fingers
sylvie: it's like an orgasm in my mouth
atlas: are you serious right now
he was the only one to burn his marshmallows.
thankfully he didn't set his ass on fire.
sylvie: i am 100% done with these kids
this is after cheryl REFUSED to go on the potty even though she was close to pissing herself. the thing was clean and everything jfc.
bruce: i make this look good
it's not cheating if it's lifetime rewards okay
looks like the kids will be getting their own rooms after all
sylvie, you don't even have a real job
atlas: book, what's the square root of 16?
booker: ummm triangle?
atlas: ... alright thanks
i figured out how to tilt the camera after three years of owning this game
booker: c'mere little dudette
tiger lily: why do your fingers smell like old cheese?
sylvie: hi, son! i love love love you :D :D
booker: *IGNORES*
she proceeded to kick her sons asses at hopscotch
okay so i refurnished most of the rooms and built some new ones! i'm not the best decorator in the world, and i'm worse at building nice houses.
anyway, this is booker's side of the room
and atlas still has to share his room, but at least he gets a computer
i also gave the boys their own bathroom ^^
and cheryl's room. i'll put more stuff in when she actually ages up.and gains an interest in things
the parents' room is super boring, so i didn't take a picture of it. and everything else is basically the same.
atlas: omg towels!!
for a second i was like "ATLAS YOUR BROTHER IS TRYING TO SLEEP"
but then i remembered booker can sleep through every natural disaster known to man
like father like son bruce: WHAT TIME IS IT?
bruce: birthday time aww yeah
can't be bothered to give the adults a cake
but i'm dyin over bruce's winkles. old fart.
sylvie: who are you and what have you done with my husband
one day sylvie will appreciate the beard, bruce
bus driver: oh god not another one
later there was a shit load of birthdays
a celebrity came to the party :0
sylvie: holy shit i am not worthy
cheryl: *turns into a freak of nature*
she gained the excitable trait
*pets screen*
atlas: i wish i had my own room
will you stop
meanwhile cheryl gives no fucks
my anti-social baby
sylvie also grew up! i had to take a picture of her in cas because it was so dark outside
anyway, that's it for this chapter. i actually ordered seasons today as a "congrats on making it through your first year of college" present, so look forward to that i guess? everyone and their mother has seasons already but whatevs. i only got the late night expansion last christmas lol
+probably more birthdays
+atlas' search for true love?
+i have not played ahead so i really have no idea
thanks ^^