[ state of the RP - WIP ]

Nov 13, 2011 16:32

state of the rp: general
Honestly? Exhausting. I know I need to reduce my load in places, especially if I want to app new characters in others, and quite frankly, Marina is the most stressful as it has the hardest AC, the most established characters (re: most extensive CR) and the biggest bulk of my tags. I'm considering options and holding off on apps until I figure things out, but things are hard, like always.

state of the game
Love the game! Love the people! But considering how big the game has gotten, it's a lot more difficult to keep up and stay on top of threads. Especially as so many of my characters are well established and therefore more difficult to stay on top of old CR, let alone build new CR. A cast reduction, would probably be a wise idea, but I adore everyone and all my CR T__T

character: Jennifer Shibuya [feelmylove]
age: ~40
series: Kyou Kara Maou
time played: December 2009 - Present

muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □
Jennifer is a character I did a lot with and have built up great CR, but truthfully, lately, she's turned into a one dimensional character used for events and gimmicks and not much else. If I had more energy, she'd be more out there more, but as it is, I'd much rather put my time and effort into other characters.

cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □
Cast interactions were never actually all that strong, partially because Jennifer is such an 'on the sidelines' character in the show that when it came to tagging with cast, she got tongue-tied really easily. But, she'd hate to leave Yuuri and she's just starting to make things work with Wolfram so it's definitely still there!

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □
Again, it's an energy thing. Jennifer can be a very high maintenance muse. But she does like getting into other people's business and doing things and staying busy.

shipping potential: ■ □ □ □ □
I said it before and I'll say it again, monogamous muse is very monogamous. If she was in a 1:1 game, there might be a chance because of time and distance and circumstances might convince her a fling or at least companionship would be nice, but it would have to be a thing to work towards. Outside of that, Jennifer is very, very shippable.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
I'm not going to lie, I think dropping her might be a good move for me. I did a lot of what I set out to accomplish with her so the drive to keep playing and plotting is just really low. So sorry OTL

development/final thoughts:
Jennifer was an experiment in whether I COULD RP and I think, for the most part, it was a success. I do kind of wish I had made her slightly less motherly when I first started playing because now it feels like she's more OOC now then before when really, she's just more balanced out. But, I like her development in that she's made a place for herself and she's made it her goal to welcome and ease people into prison life, because she's a very much so go with the flow kind of person and even though she'd LOVE to get out, there's no sense life can't be pleasant in the right here and now.

And she also got to show off her bad side a time or two which I just loved. But, again, where else can I go? Unless I do want to start pursuing a ship, there's really not much more I can have Jennifer get up to in the dome besides just continuing the slice of life fare.

character: HEI/LI SHENSHUNG [bottomless_pit]
age: ~26
series: Darker than BLACK
time played: Feb. 2010 to Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
He doesn't rate a higher muse strength only because being in the setting that he's in has handicapped him in some ways and so sometimes he's easy to tag and others, much, much harder. It also depends on how tired I feel. I sometimes think he'd benefit from either a) not having to fight for CR from everyone else or b) being in a different setting. Truth be told, I'd love to test him out somewhere like Poly or Amat where he has more freedom/is forced to let more of himself out to the general populace. It's when I can strip him of Li that he really becomes interesting and has the interesting conversations which, truth be told, is actually fairly in character of him.

cast strength: ■ □ □ □ □
He has no cast! And because of the setting's limitations, I doubt he'll ever get any unless I enable someone to bring one in. I'm okay with this though even if I do sometimes wonder what it would be like to play off canon mates.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □
Concerning he's finagled his way into the Diva/Saya plot, he's a little less easy to plot with because I have to be careful to avoid self!cest and the number of people who 'really know him' are few and far between which makes it much more difficult to plot outside of that restriction. Other then that, he's fairly easy going although, I did get him into the plot because without something to drive him, he blends into the background really easily. If it wasn't Diva, it would have had to have been something else.

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Apparently he's easy to ship. I DON'T KNOW WHY. But yeah, there's Hei/Saya in game and his friendship with Tear. He's also go this hate ship thing going on with Shiki which is lots of love and tension and a weird vibe with Faith on occasion. Basically, he's good at what he does >_>

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □
If it wasn't for the plot with Diva, the likelihood of a drop would be much higher as he is a difficult muse to get going and the aforementioned setting restrictions. As it is, I actually don't think he'll be staying around long after Diva kicks the bucket unless something drastic happens to prompt me to keep him in the game. Something drastic could be reducing my load to take more care with his interactions and build-up those outside of the plot. Right now, that's where most of my focus is centered.

development/final thoughts:
Overall, I am pleased as Hei's managed to mellow out without becoming a complete softy. He's done his time as the masked man who didn't have any care or friend in the world. He's learned to accept his sister's death and her roll in saving contractor-kind. He's managed to learn to trust in some capacity again and also learned to relax. In all, I'm quite pleased with how Hei has turned out even if it's been a long, slow process.

character: DIVA indigo_aria]
age: 200+
series: Blood+
time played: May 2010-Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
She comes and goes some days, but after getting that break through back in April I think, she's been one of my easiest muses to tag with. She's just so out there and creepy and yet strangely innocent that she's a blast to write. She's also the most unpredictable which makes playing her exciting.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Strong! Even if it's just Saya, but it really gives Diva something to play off of and utilize as she tries to create tension and dissention everywhere that she can. Fun!

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Probably the strongest as she's the character that's most likely to do something outrageous to spark a cascade of events and interactions down the line. Unfortunately, she can also be difficult since not everyone wants to get involved with a vampire as there are stipulations and rules we have to follow/get mod permission for. But, over all, she's one of the easiest.

shipping potential: ■ ■ □ □ □
Surprisingly? Not that easy as she loves anyone who is interesting but to get past that general interest is pretty difficult. She has the weird relationship with Conrad too even though it's not really based off of much more then physical intimacy and an emotional need for stability.

likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □
Never! I want to kill her off instead >_>

development/final thoughts:
Out of all my characters, I think Diva has come the furthest and has proven to be the strongest muse. I love how Diva's managed to creep people out, bring a few to her side, be argumentative and persistent and curious. She's learned to say please and thank-you and WHY she should say these things and while she's still Diva. She's kind of at the point where she could almost admit that she might have done a few bad things. Which is always at the tip of her tongue but she can't be bothered to think about it, let alone articulate it.

The one thing I do kind of wish though is that people had tried to figure Diva out a bit more and realize that crazy girl needs help, not antagonism, but I think each month that I play her and put her out there, brings that just a little bit closer to realization. Which is ironic considering Lena and I are going to start ratcheting up the plot to taking these two girls out soon.

character: Dean Winchester [eyeofthetiger]
age: ~30
series: Supernatural
time played: November 2010 to Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Love Dean! Love him! He's also wants to tag the most around and do the most things. He's also highly exhaustive because so much is going on with him and he wants to tag all the things. Some days, he just gives me mental fatigue because he easily has double the number of tags of any one other character. But he's fun, he's nosy, and he can tag just about any post I put my mind to.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
The best! I think we all have our ups and downs, but seriously. They're all so fantastic. I couldn't ask for better. I could ask for more, but not better.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Decently high although he's kind of laid back, be your own man, give me an incentive to get involved kind of muse. Also, because of my occasional fatigue, plots can take a long time to progress with him simply because it takes a while to get to his tags. OTL

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Strangely, he's in the middle because while he can be shipped with everyone, he doesn't exactly know what it means to be in a long term relationship and so tries to keep things to lightly flirting. Plus, that contract scares the hell out of him.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ □ □ □
Not likely, although I'm thinking of putting him on hiatus soon. I don't know if I want to do a single hiatus for him, or push through to January when I'm considering of taking a full hiatus from the game. We will see!

development/final thoughts:
I don't even know! Dean always pulls out the wounded and broken man at random that I just… I don't know with him. He likes to keep things light and easy going and not thinking about going back home and his role in the apocalypse but sometimes things bring it back and then he gets moody and he has to try and talk it out without actually talking it out. I've had some of the most amazing discussions with this man. I love it. I do think he's due for another breakdown though, soon. He managed to escape it when all those folks visited for fourth wall (hello, repressed it all!) but that should probably come out sometime soon.

character:FOU [notimeforidiots]
age: 100+
series: D.Grayman
time played: December 2010 to Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
She comes and goes. She's usually pretty quiet until I just say fuck it and throw her out there and then she has the best and strongest conversations out of all my muses. Stop being a brat! But I love her.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Cast is there! Cast is strong! But Fou's ties to her cast is not all that strong or necessary as she's a minor character in DGM and never really had them to begin with. So, basically, it's in character for her.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □
Difficult, actually. She's more a slice of life character that kind of gets thrown around, but she has a hidden soft spot that makes her care and makes it easier to plot things out. She is, however, the second hardest character I have to think up posts for outside of Hei.

shipping potential: ■ □ □ □ □
She's a machine. She ain't shipping! sorry

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Outside of her CR with Yuta and Chun-Li, there's not much else there that says she has to stay or go in a game, if it came down to dropping her. She could also easily be a character I drop for a while (re: say until after Diva) and then reapp when things are more settled and easy going. On the other hand, she's not really a character people are clamoring to play either.

development/final thoughts:
I'm actually really quite pleased with how solidified she's become in my head. She's gotten to play with the consequences of practical jokes (even when she's trying to be nice). I discovered her love for cats, her maternal side with Yuta, her regret with Alma, and she got to show off her badass side a little. I do find it difficult to tag castmates however as she never really got over the awkward stage for some reason. Meh. I'm pleased!

character: OZ VESSALIUS [gottabethehero]
age: 15+10
series: Pandora Hearts
time played: August 2011-Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
He's starting to feel a little flat to me, but I think that might be more my exhaustion from the last few months coming through. I still have ideas though! So I don't think he's planning to go anywhere, any time soon.

cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □
Cast is dwindling as real life and muse strength has waned amongst us all, but I'm hopeful that with time, we'll reel more in! Plus, half the reason I picked up Oz from the time point I did is because if something like this happened, he'd just regress a little from his canon time point to the guy he's like for the first half of the manga. Re: accepts everything at face value, literally. So it's all good.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
I'd say it's pretty strong. He's easy going and likes to troll and he's also a little bit nosy so it wouldn't be hard to push him into plots. I just need to find someone else to have Oz pick on : D

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Hmm… I say yes and no simultaneously. Yes, because he's a teenage boy and easily likeable and therefore easily shippable! But I would be very hesitant on developing any ship beyond a crush simply because of his age and how far he has yet to go for emotional maturity.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □
With cast dwindling, he should be an easy one to drop if push came to shove, but I also see a lot of potential in him that I haven't been able to touch on so I'd be more inclined to keep him in case of a partial drop. Especially as more time to devote to him would only be beneficial, not detrimental.

development/final thoughts:
Still in the new stage of things so his development hasn't really progressed at all, but now that work has lightened up a little, I have high hopes for being able to develop what CR I've started and wait to see what direction he wants to go. To be honest, it's really quite exciting once I stop to think about it.

state of the game
As with the other sex game I got into, trying to get my character to dwell on the actual sex aspect of the game is hard and I think makes It harder to bridge out with CR because so much plotting revolves around trying to build a character up to this. But, I have enough friends and cast mates in the game that I have high hopes for being able to make something of this. I just need to make sure to follow throw on tags and CR. And obviously I like the game enough if I want to app another character to it. Jack Vessalius should also be much easier to branch out with then Bak too, so I have high hopes!

character: BAK CHAN [punchingbag]
age: 29… I think. Or 30. He looks pretty good, for an old man!
series: D.grayman.
time played: September 2011-Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Surprisingly strong! Or unsurprisingly, considering he's been clamoring around my head for a year. What's surprising though is that he actually seems to be stronger when I'm smutting it up. Don't ask me how this one works. (unsure)

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Best cast! Mostly because his two most important people are in the game and lovely. Of course, having an Allen and Fou in game doesn't hurt! (just kidding, you're all important &hearts )

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Teetering on the middle to low end? Since it's a sex game and my Bak has difficulties with the concept of sex combined with himself, it makes it harder to get him to face that reality and embrace it. On the other hand, once I get him there, it's going to be so much fun I think dealing with all those new and DNW feelings!

shipping potential: ■ ■ □ □ □
I'd like to say he's shippable! But I pity anyone who tries to woe him OTL

likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □
Low as of this moment. I've been wanting to play him in a game for so long, he's going nowhere any time soon.

development/final thoughts:
So far, he's doing well and cast interactions are surprisingly strong for the moment. I do need to branch out a bit though (I've started the threads, but my follow-through and follow-up needs to be stronger). Mostly, it's just a wait and see how he survives all the events and getting forced into pursuing an underdeveloped aspect of his life.

state of the game
As I had already tried Poly once before, I had a much better idea what I was getting into this time and I'm quite pleased to say that I'm over all doing much better at keeping up with the game even if I don’t check it as often as I'd like. I do need to branch out into tagging muns I don't know personally, but that will come with time I think. October was just a bad month and if I reduce my load at Marina, should be much easier to do since I won't be so hung up with making sure my AC is met all the time (especially if I get behind).

But yeah, I love the game, I love the people, I love my cast and soon to be cast. You guys are wonderful. So glad to be back! Also, if luck works out for me, I hope to someday app in Naru from Ghost Hunt. It'd be a dream come true to have GH cast here /)_(\

character: LIAM LUNETTES [haring_to_go]
age: … 26?
series: Pandora Hearts
time played: October 2011-Present

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Keeping him to the middle because he's a new muse and I've been thinking his speech might be a touch too formal, but that's just me needing to experiment and find a comfortable middle ground as his muse is so new and wasn't a character I initially "pinged" for. As long as I tag him with him on a steady basis, I should be fine.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Best cast! THE BEST 8D Seriously, I have no other words for it.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
The curses make this so easy to do and my cast mates are so easy to talk to, I have no doubt that we'll make beautiful things out of this game and this cast.

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ □ □
My inner Liam says he's not shippable, but I have a feeling once he starts talking to the girls, he'll be a quiet bundle of hidden flustered nerves. So cute! Also, I think Liam, out of all my current characters, is probably one of the ones I'd consider pursing a ship with in game without necessarily falling into one first to get me thinking of it, if that makes any sense.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □
As of right now? Also not happening! I'm too excited to see what will happen next /o/ And besides, if I were to drop, I'd probably just end up apping someone else into the cast instead OTL

development/final thoughts:
Right now, I'm pleased. I like the little snippets of head canon I'm starting to develop for him because they're such simple, understated things that I'm okay with developing it into a bigger picture of a whole. Of course, he's new, so we will see where things take me!

Code taken from laenavesse here.
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