state of the rp: ultimate edition - 11/1/11

Nov 01, 2011 19:14

Just like the title states. Last time I did this was back in December 31, 2009 (almost 2010!). And things have deeeefinitely changed. I also edited it a bit and added a few more things to it. Beneath the cut are just my comments on how I'm feeling for my games, muses, and RP in general. Oh and ignore typos because at some point (like now) my browser started lagging and I got tired >_>...

state of the rp: general
In general I'm doing all right, though this month is going to suck for me. I'll be on this weird-atus where I'm kind of random slow until mid-November, and then I'm calling full hiatuses everywhere. Exams are during the first two weeks of December, so I want to get a head start on studying and working on my outlines. I also have been in a kind of slump/burnout, so having a complete hiatus would help a lot, I think. By the time I come off I'll be like "GIIIVE MEEE TAAAGS" xD

state of the game
As usual, I'm just chugging along just fine in Somarium. I was lagging a little behind last month in terms of some player plots, but I think I've caught up with everything :|b There are a few character posts I'm going to have to make this week (Kid about Nyancat as well as a dream, Ace about Alice, Shizuo about Vorona, plus probably a Tamaki one) but it shouldn't be too bad. This month will be interesting indeed...B)

character: Tamaki Suoh [spectaculaire]
age: 17 20 in-game (SO WEIRD. SO WEIRD.)
series: Ouran High School Host Club
time played: over three years man. (08/2008)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Three years later and I STILL can whip out tags fairly readily. The only tims I'm ever low is when I myself am feeling bleh or I start to second guess things about his development. But more on that later.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
So much better than in the past sob. Before he had barely anyone, and castmates have come and gone. There's only Kyouya and Haruhi right now, but I love Jesse and Lina (respectively) for being such awesome castmates. They're always having to put up with not only Tamaki's IC antics, but my OOC ones in trying to gather them all up as well XD But it's great. Hope to have more members again, especially since our Renge recently had to drop out due to RL D:

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Again, STILL VERY EASY and I have him participating in so many things it's arguably inhuman. He has his cafe, restarting/revamping the Host Club, engaged to Haruhi, studying in college, and part-time drama teacher. ...IDK EITHER MAN. But it all provides great opportunity for social events and he's just an active, social butterfly anyway.

shipping potential: □ □ □ □ □
SORRY GIRLS BUT HE'S TAKEN 8D But just as an aside, Haruhi would be top preference, but if something developed in-game and Haruhi wasn't there, I'd be open to it. I don't know what I would do if a Haruhi later came in, but eh.

likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □
Just gonna leave what I had here before since it pretty much runs the same: "rotflmao I've had him since Somarium started. Hell, he was the first app and technically the first character in there XD Cast or not, HE'S STAYING."

development/final thoughts:
Tamaki has been through quite a lot during his 3+ year stay in this little dream world. He's met a lot of people, seen his friends come and gone, and he's experienced a life much different than his own. He's met a plethora of people (and creatures) that have opened his eyes and horizons as to what is really out there and all of the possibilities. I play Tamaki from the anime canon, but he actually grew very similar to his manga counterpart, which isn't so much different to begin with.

Realizing his feelings for Haruhi had a little different twists along the way. While he started to see them on his own, plenty of people pointed it out and pretty much told him, too. So he had to face that and by the time Lina apped in with Haruhi, he was pretty much there. Of course it was kind of amusing since Haruhi had come from after she confessed to him in the manga, so it made for great awkward times. But Tamaki did confess his feelings (9/26/2010 Autumn Festival~~) and we even had it similar to what happened in canon. But it's been so cute and aaaaah~~ AND THEN! Tamaki proposed to Haruhi almost exactly a year later during the Floating Lantern Festival (8/27/2010). Their wedding is set to sometime Spring (assuming Somarium doesn't break) but in the meantime they are enjoying their life as the cutest engaged couple ever.

I sometimes wonder if he's lost some of his original "flamboyant spark" from his early days, but then I remember that he's 3 years older and more mature. He's still his usual sparkly self, but there are more times when he pulls out his more serious and insightful self, something you don't see much of until later in the series. He's also a little less stupid, which I have to remember is okay at his point in time.

But I am content with how Tamaki has developed so far and can't wait to see how things will be like once he's married oh God XD

character: Ace [knightofchanges]
age: 20s? lol never set a birthday.
series: Heart no Kuni no Alice
time played: 2 years (11/2009)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
lol it's actually kind of disturbing how fairly well I still manage to tag with this guy, especially given his character. But he is!

cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □
Sob ;; Jan had dropped Julius a while back, and Annabelle has recently dropped Alice. Michi and Mika currently play with me as Julius and Boris and I'm having fun with them! Can't wait to do more. But the only reason why this is so small is cos of the lack of castmates OTL

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Again, pretty easy to plot and easy to just strike up a random conversation. Using his ability to get lost or just having him randomly fighting something helps, too.

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Well if anyone can stand the guy...8D But if someone (other than Alice) gets close to him, he'd actually be pretty sweet. In that obsessive, yandere with a pleasant smile way /coughs. My preferences? Canonly I'd say Alice. But RP-wise it doesn't necessarily have to be. I will admit that if another Alice came in and they wanted the ship, I'd follow since it would be my top preference. But it's not a deal breaker. If someone wanted to play a cross-canon ship I'd be open to it.

likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □
He's settled into Somarium and has developed fairly...interestingly well I suppose is the best way to put it, so even if I had no cast he would be able to get by. Really the only reason for me to drop him would be if I just lose him completely or Somarium dies.

development/final thoughts:
Ace is interesting character for me to play. I'm not sure how to put it, but he feels different from my other characters. He's usually polite and he's all smiley face, but it's also all fake a lot of the time. It is fun to just have him SMILE when it's obvious that that smile is anything but a nice, sincere one and is more like a "lol trolling you" type. To have him say some of the things he does with a simple smile on his face and also be such a coldblooded psychopath's really weird.

I don't normally play up the psycho bits, though. In fact he's been behaving fairly normally. True, he's a faker, but he can also be genuinely friendly, open, and social. He's come a long way from where he started in that a lot of his interactions are in fact real. Of course there are the ones where he's just doing whatever for kicks and to relieve his own boredom, but he has made friends-whether he would admit to it or not. But unlike most, even if they left he wouldn't be too bothered by it. Well, except for two people: Julius and Alice.

It's pretty much canon that Julius acts as a sort of "sane support pillar" so Ace is never happy when Julius isn't around. Fortunately by the time Julius did leave the first time around, Ace was at a point where it frustrated him, but he could get over it. As for Alice...

Since he had spent a lot of time with Alice in Somarium, you could say she was slowly moving up along his "route" XD He liked being with her, even if he usually just teased her, and it he was very slowly starting to develop feelings-but it was only at a point where he would become irritated if there was someone else (like Blood) trying to get close to her. What I can say, he's a yandere. He liked Alice, of course, but I don't think he was at the point where he would admit to actually loving her. Well, true love. He wouldn't be opposed to doing a few things /COUGHCOUGH. I do not know how he would handle if another Alice came along. He knows how Somarium works and that the chances are high that she wouldn't remember anything. Not that they really did anything memorable (unless you consider his practical jokes memorable), so it's more probable that it would be basically as if you hit the reset button on the game. That...would probably irritate him, too, and that would actually leave for a very cruel opening for him to be a little mean to her at first, but hey it could be worse. Just imagine if they actually had a relationship going >___>;;;;

Anyway, he's going to have to deal with Alice poofing, but he'll just carry on like usual. I do want him to make some more meaningful friendships. He has a couple and has made a few before, but never hurts to have more.

character: Cid Highwind [smokesinspace]
age: 32 34 in-game
series: Final Fantasy VII
time played: almost 2 years (12/2009)
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
When I last did this, Cid was my newest. I am happy and also SURPRISED to say that he has grown in strength since xD It's only not a full bar because I'm not that active with him and it is hard to tag with him at times because he's a grumpy, anti-social pilot. But it's been improving and I still can't believe he's still here

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
It's a fairly decent size-or was. It got kind of cut down in half in the past month |Da But whenever I do have castmates, we get along well. I feel bad because Cid isn't that involved because of how he is :|

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □
WELL. HE GOT HIS DAMN AIRSHIP LIKE I WANTED. Plus some other stuff and a freaking hangar on that floating mountain. But other than that...Cid you suck. Be able to plot more. He's great for anything machine/tech related, though, and there's plenty of potential with the airships and potential future Som plots- it's just a matter of getting him out there to be more involved. Downside of playing a grumpy anti-social pilot.

shipping potential: □ □ □ □ □
lol. Just. LOL. SHEEEERRRAAAAAAA. I will not lie, though. I'd be open to some kind of in-game cross-canon ship if it somehow worked. I just have a very hard time of him having a relationship with someone other than Shera, no matter how long he had been in Somarium. I took him from before he asked Shera to marry him sooooo. Yeah.

likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □
I never thought Cid would last this long. Seriously. I thought he would be one of my 6-month characters, especially since I admit that I kind of apped him on a whim and did very basic canon review coughyoutubevideoscough. So instead of being on the top of the list, he is near bottom. As I said, HE HAS HIS DAMN AIRSHIP. The only reason why I'd drop is if I really had to.

development/final thoughts:
I still can't believe how far I've come along with Cid. Well. How long he's lasted, anyway. He's still his grumpy self and pitching in to help when he has to. He's just difficult to get out there because of how he is.

I think my most favorite CR I've ever had with him was with Danny and Toothless. It's just. With Danny it was cute because there was this sort mentor-student relationship ;; And Toothless just cracked me up. It was great. Thinking about it, I don't think Cid has any deep CR outside of his castmates right now. I should probably fix that, ffff. There is the budding relationship between him and Wheatley XD Also cracking me up. Even if it's small CR, it's great, man. There's also Jensen whom he has a rather odd CR.

Other than that I...really don't have much to say about Cid :|a Eventually I'll do another canon review, but he's not that complicated of a character-at least by my standards. He is more than just a grumpy, swearing pilot, but pretty easy to play, really.

character: Shizuo Heiwajima [hatesviolence]
age: 24 25 in-game
series: Durarara!!
time played: 1 1/2 years (03/2010)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
It's been gradually going down recently ;; Usually I don't have much of a problem, but I've been having a few bumps lately.

cast strength: ■ □ □ □ □
With Vorona's drop, it's just him and Seiji right now. But it was great when we did have a fuller cast. Oh the insanity~ BROTHEEEEER

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □
Shizuo, you suck. You're worse than Cid and that's saying a lot. Sob. I think part of it is the bit of slump I'm in right now. It's just taking a little more effort than usual to get him out there and to respond to things. I can only have him do so much "violent episodes" at a time, and I hate overdoing a trait like that.

shipping potential: ■ ■ □ □ □
Vorona would have been my top pick, and they had made some headway. But they never really got more to than just friends. Shizuo is pretty dense about romantic things because he doesn't believe anyone could love him due to his violent nature. So even if someone did show interest, he probably wouldn't really believe it at first. That isn't to say he doesn't want to fall in love-on the contrary, he really does. It's just a matter of finding that right person. Like with everyone else, I'm pretty open to cross-canon relationships, so if something could happen, I'd see how it went. But yeah, this has a low rating only because Shizuo makes it hard for himself and it would take a good bit of work. Making friends or close acquaintances is easy. It's getting to that next level that would be more difficult.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
As sad as this is for me to admit it, until I can get a good canon review in, I may drop him in a month or two ;; Or if I had to drop someone due to time constraints, he'd be one of the first to go. I love him, and I love playing him, but my own insecurities lately are making me second guess myself.

development/final thoughts:
At this point in time, if I did have to drop Shizuo I could drop him feeling happy, actually. He has come a long way and has worked on anger issues. Yeah he still gets pissed off very easily, but he's also been learning to try and control it and I'd say he's been rather successful so far. He still throws things, but at least he can hold a decent conversation without wanting to hand up or crush the Dreamberry after five minutes? :Da;;;

Shizuo is one of my odder anti-social characters. He's quiet, but he's a...soft quiet? Compared to my other two stoic characters, he's not a grumpy anti-social or a stoic anti-social. He just keeps to himself and keeps it simple, minding his own business. This was really different for me, and it's fun to explore this part of him. I think some people tend to forget that Shizuo is actually a good guy with a soft center. He just has anger management issues.

Which brings me to the point that's actually causing me the most trouble, sob. You'd think it would be the more in-depth, sensitive part that I would have issue with, but no. It's how to deal with his anger. It's not setting it off that's the problem, it's when to do it and what the heck I should do after. It's easy to just be like "RAGE. THROW. CRUSH. KILL." but that doesn't really make for good threading, you know? :|a So I'm trying to make these tags in a way that the other person can still respond and not kill the thread right then and there. And I really don't want to have Shizuo get so angry so immediately that the other player can't do much about it. I don't want to kill of any potential CR immediately. So I want to leave some opening and room for actual neutral CR first before having him explode if I know that he would eventually.

So now I worry that I'm not playing his anger right .___.;; My tags just seem...weird. That I'm afraid I get too repetitive. In a way it can't be helped because all Shizuo does is grab the nearest big object and just swing or throw it around. Maybe it seems stale to me since I'm always making those same threads, but I honestly don't know. I'm hoping some canon review will help with that.

I can still feel his voice, it's insecurities and low self-confidence right now is really affecting it, I think. But if I can't get it back I'll probably drop him like in December or January D: ...Which kind of sucks because LJ lied and said my renewal was in late November but apparently it was in October so. He has his paid for another year. ...8| I was going to cancel the automatic payment in late November because I though that would give me enough time to really think and consider if I do want to drop him. Oh well. I wish volume 7 was translated because it would really help but I'll have to settle with the anime and up to volume 6 (and bits of 9).

character: Death the Kid [soulsymmetrical]
age: 15 16 in-game
series: Soul Eater
time played: 9 months (02/2011)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
He is really up there with Tamaki and Ace, and right now I think he may even be the strongest. Everything comes rather naturally and it's easy to get him out there and tag.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
We have a decent sized cast (and hopefully it'll get a little bigger) and we manage to get some fun Shibusen kids antics going. ...Usually at Kid's expense, but I'm not complaining |D Considering Somarium's future, I'm looking forward to what we may be able to do as a cast.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Kid is actually rather versatile in terms of plotting and general tagging. He can do serious, crack/silly, and common mundane stuff. He's also part of the police force, so he automatically gets locked into any plots or events involving that. I would actually rank him second out of all my character to be able to get out and tag people at random.

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Okay, look. I won't lie. Right now Kid is like my favorite so I honestly wouldn't mind a ship. I ADMIT IT /ashamed. However, that doesn't mean I'd just jump on the ship boat and sail off with whoever (even if I secretly shipped it). I never play just for ships (unless it's canon based), so I'm just going to see whatever may happen. If someone did want to play a ship out with me, I'd consider it. ICly, Kid is kind of hard to deal with ships xDa; I mean, he's a young teen and all, but he's all "RESPONSIBILITY" and pretty serious for a guy his age, so romance is the last thing on his mind. It would take a fair bit of development for it to work-or so I think, anyway.

likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □
Unless there is either muse or game death, not gonna happen. Even if he was a lone canon warrior, he can get around without his castmates well enough.

development/final thoughts:
As I said, Kid is probably my "top" muse right now. I just love the little shinigami, what can I say ;; It's like he replaced Raven somehow. Even though Tamaki will always be my staple, I just always like tagging with Kid more. I don't know man, wish I did.

He's from the manga and he's from before he speaks with Eibon, so he hasn't gone through that little "development" process yet. I actually want to handle that on my own and develop him through in-game. I'm not sure how things will end up in the later chapters, so whether or not I canon update him is in the air. But otherwise, I want to try and see if I can get him to see for himself what it means to be a shinigami and figure out what he wants to do. There's also his issue with symmetry and order, another little issue that I want to handle. It would be kind of similar to Shizuo, and this may also be stemming from how I interpret his quirk, at least at his current canon point.

Even though it was heavily stressed early in the series, I feel like that was more of comedic gag filling than actual character. As seen later on, he still has his OCD issue, but it lessens after a while. Yes, things still bother him, but contrary to what I've encountered, he won't go berserk if someone's hat is tilted slightly. In fact, he doesn't really pick on such minute things in casual setting. On the other hand, I do enjoy having it so that if he does end up focusing on it, he winds up obsessing over it in the end and would have to fix it a bit. Or if he's already on an orderly tirade. All bets are off then.

So tl;dr, I usually downplay the whole symmetry bit whenever there is a casual/general conversation going on. I'm of the opinion that by now Kid has more or less accepted that there are just some things that will be asymmetrical and he can't always help it. So I try to choose when and where to have his little bouts of symmetry where it's best for it. Trying to strike a balance, you know? |D

Mmm, gamewise, I really want to have him do more, but I kind of hold back because I am a mod of Somarium. I don't want to seem like things are only happening through my character because I'm a mod and somehow have a special privilege because of that. I'd rather tag onto other players and be backup/support. Of course I kind of shoot myself because I play proactive characters :|a Oh well.

Also, he will go insane one of these nightmare months. B)

character: Tybalt Volumnia de Capulet [armisonant]
age: mid-20s? also no birthday lol :|
series: Romeo x Juliet
time played: 1 month (10/2011)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
He's still fairly new and I'm still trying to settle into his voice. He's rather similar to Tetheus from Dragon Knights, another character I used to play a lot, so I'm at least familiar to his type. The issue is getting him out there.

cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ what cast. /lone canon warrior.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □
I think if I actually get him out, he could be interesting to plot with. He won't just stand by, at least, and he could be proactive in his own way. It's just a matter of getting him out first.

shipping potential: ■ ■ □ □ □
...ffffffff. I'd be open to shipping, but it would be interesting to see how it would work. Like most of my other muses, he's not really seeking romance. But I could see it happening with enough CR and development.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Obligatory 3 rank since he's new. If I had to drop someone, other than Shizuo I would cut the newbie. Otherwise, it's still too early to tell how long he might last. I have the bar set to my usual 6-month at least, so we'll see where I'm at by...what, May? We'll see.

development/final thoughts:
Tybalt is still too new for me to say too much here. Still a little shaky on his voice, so I'm trying to pick certain characters and posts to tag that would give me some breathing room to work out his voice.

If I do manage to keep him, I would like to work out his developing nicer side more. He's from post-anime, so his grudge over the Montagues is pretty much abated. It's still there, just not as bad as before. If the conversation were ever brought up, he'd probably end it quickly and move on. If either Romeo or Juliet (or worse, both) ever showed up, he'd be Not torn. Not emotional. He wouldn't know what to do, really, since he knows what their ending is.

...That kind of went off tangent, uh. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Anyway, I think Tybalt would still stay his anti-social self, but he's my "cool, serious" anti-social character. He would be more open, but it's kind of weird to imagine it on my own since I'm so used to him having a colder personality. But it would be something to try and work on and explore.

Also he has flying horse. :D

soul campaign
state of the game
Sob, I'm so behind here and I may actually call my hiatus early here. I'd still check for anything that involves Kid, but otherwise...yeah. I am having fun here, though! I kind of wish I had another character so I can be more involved. I was considering apping Kamina, but...well. Next semester looks rough soooooo. I'm gonna hold off on that. If I see that I can handle it in the spring, then maybe.

character: Aoshi Shinomori [linefacemaster]
age: 26
series: Rurouni Kenshin
time played: 4 months (07/2011)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □
This is a tough call. On the one hand, I have his voice. On the other hand, I still freak out and whine at Relle because I'm afraid I might be doing it wrong >_>; He's worse than Tybalt since he really does just observe things a lot more than talk. I'll get their eventually...I hope.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
We have a very good sized cast who are all fairly active. Aoshi doesn't really interact with them much, though, but it's fun when they do.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □
He's actually a good fit for SC what with the fighting and missions and stuff. He's also part of the Watch, so that helps. So for those kinds of things, he's great. For everything else? Aoshi you suck.

shipping potential: ■ □ □ □ □
LOL. JUST. LOL. Not saying it couldn't happen, but 1) this is Aoshi we're talking about, and 2) they'd have to get past Misao.

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Hnnngh I don't want to, but if I had to, I'd drop him ;; It's not that I don't like playing him, I'm just having a hard time getting him to tag things and have meaningful conversations _._ Stupid anti-social characters.

development/final thoughts:
Well. He and Misao are partners now? :Da; Other than that, I really don't have much to say for Aoshi. The main issue is trying to get him out there and actually tag people and make CR. It's just hard to figure out what kind of posts he would actually tag AND be able to tag more than like 5 comments :| This is when my brain kind of goes "...Duuurrrr." For instance, if he asks a question, once he gets the answer that would be it. I am failing when it comes to follow up questions or comments. He's not really a conversational type of guy, so I have to pick posts where I can make enough inquiries and potential comments substantial enough to meet the AC requirement as well as just have a decent thread OTL

Of all my anti-social character, I think Aoshi is the worst and I get disappointed in myself. Really, if Misao wasn't around I don't know what I'd do ;; So far now my goal is to just. Tag him out more.

character: Death the Kid (NPC) [perfectorder]
series: Soul Eater
time played: 3 months (08/2011)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Unlike in Som, he doesn't get a full bar here because of the in-game circumstances. So while I have his general voice down, I always get a little uncertain when tagging certain posts since Kid is the big man Shinigami in Soul Campaign. I have to keep that part of that in mind whenever making posts and tags.

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
We have a lot of the SE cast being NPC'ed and it's always fun to tag them when I can /o/

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Normally it would be a full bar, but again since he's an NPC, I'm a little limited in what I can do. For instance, he couldn't go out of the city for a lot of missions given that he's actually holding up the protective barrier around the Death City. There's also the fact that he's not as free and open to join in random hijinks, but he can still get involved somehow. So anything in-city is pretty much open.

shipping potential: ■ ■ □ □ □
Ffffff. Normally I'd be open but...well since I'm only NPCing him, I honestly am not sure how that would work. If I ever had to drop out of Soul Campaign, Kid would still be there. So....that would be hard on the other player as well as anyone who might pick him up in my stead. Kid isn't "my" character in this case-he's shared xD I do have a secret ship, but it doesn't necessarily have to be SC!Kid.

likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □
Drop in the sense I would have to leave Soul Campaign and give up my rights to play him there. This is only if I have to drop games and only be in Somarium. Otherwise, I really don't want to leave the game "Kid-less" again xD So I'm going to try and stick it out as long as I can.

development/final thoughts: really different for me. Unlike in Somarium where I have full control over what I can do with Kid, in Soul Campaign I have to be mindful of the game environment and its game history. Since Kid is an integral part of the game both as an SE character and as the big cheese, I have to at least be aware of what's going on game plot wise so he can be on top of things ICly. I will not lie-at times I feel like I'm encroaching on mod territory, especially when it involves large plot potential things that could affect the game. Of course I would never do anything without the real mod permission (Yukeh knows very well how often I e-mail her about things XD), but I really can't make any mistakes here.

I can't give out wrong information, and I'm always worried that i might accidentally forget or slip up there ._.;; I've never had to look up a game's information as much as I had for Soul Campaign xD (Somarium doesn't count since I pretty much know it by memory). Not that I mind, it's just aaah pressure! I was really nervous when I first started, but I do feel more comfortable now. I still hesitate to tag non-Shibusen focused posts because I'm like "Hnnngggh NPC. MUST...REFRAIN..." though I know I can tag whoever, whenever, and whatever. I'm just still being a little turtle ._.a

Playing anime version of Kid isn't too much different than manga, though in Soul Campaign's case, he's developing a bit differently. Daddy's dead and Kid has to basically take his place. Being the self-depreciating little shinigami that he is, he of course doesn't believe he's really suitable for it. But over time he's learning how to handle certain ordeals and whatever is thrown his way. It's interesting to pretty much have him always in "super serious" mode because of the circumstances. It makes the lighthearted moments even better because of that.

But for the most part, my goal is just to have him continue to grow and become a little more confident in himself. To one day be able to say that instead of being the "current acting" shinigami, he is the Shinigami. That probably won't happen for a while yet, and I may not even be around when it happens. But I want to get him to it. Also, I am rather curious to see if the whole insanity thing will be played out here. It would be interesting to say the least |D

state of the game
Considering I'm still pretty new here, I got nothing xD I do love the concept of it being a My Little Pony verse AU and all the characters are ponified. I'm just a little nervous because I kind lost when it came to the opening, so I need to tag some of the newer stuff. But once I start tagging I think I'll be okay.

character: Death the Kid [symmetryism]
age: 15
series: Soul Eater
time played: 1 month (10/2011)

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Even though he's AU, it's pretty much the same all across the board. Nothing really new to note here.

cast strength: □ □ □ □ □
LONE CANON WARRIOR. But I think even if there were other SE characters, it's not a given that they would interact. It's AU after all, so it's not really necessary.

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Same like the others. Easy to plot and tag with (once I actually, you know, tag.)

shipping potential: ■ ■ □ □ □
Pffffffffffffffff. Again, same as the others, but it's harder for me to envision because PONIES. Not that I would be against it. Annabelle knows all about my whining how there aren't any good male ponies and no romance in MLP |D What can I say, I like fluff. So. yeah. No idea how that would go here \o_O/

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Obligatory new game/muse 3 mark rating. If I had to quit a game, it would be this one since it's still new and I haven't done much in it yet. Otherwise, I'd have no other reason.

development/final thoughts:
Mmm. I. cannot really say much here since I've barely done anything xD Other than similar goals to his OC-human counterparts, just having him experience the ~magic of balance~ or something silly. He's from the Netherbarn and he's in Equestria because he wants to learn more about it and understand the balance between the two. And he still does his soul collecting job so.

...Yeah...that's about it...

.....This also took like 3-4 hours holy crap. Okay. That took way too long sob. /won't do this again for another year...

Edit: The code if anyone is interested. Feel free to edit/add whatever you want to it.

state of the rp: general
state of the game
character: CHARACTER NAME []
time played:

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ □ □

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □

development/final thoughts:
character: CHARACTER NAME []
time played:

muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □

cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □

plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □

shipping potential: ■ ■ ■ □ □

likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □

development/final thoughts:

rp meme

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