Round 28 of Seasonal Spuffy is now closed!

May 26, 2020 12:38

Thank you all so much for making it memorable and beautiful as always! Whether you contributed art, fic, fic-ish, kinda fic, tutorial, or feedback, your participation is very appreciated. <3 Let's also give a round of applause to my fellow mods who worked either behind the scenes or in plain sight: slaymesoftly, teragramm, eurydice72, and rbfvidIf you haven't seen all the entries yet ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

justwriter2 May 26 2020, 20:24:31 UTC
I enjoyed a lot of the artwork that was posted this time.

I noticed that lots of the stories this round didn't have summaries or teasers and I felt less inclined to read them as a result.

The Summer Solstice is about 4 weeks away.

---------> Ideas for the anniversary? Yes! <---------

*You know that rule about not having all human AUs; could there be a special waiver for that event? There's probably lots of authors with ideas that want to share them: Spike the gangster, William the Poet, etc.

*Or maybe we can finally see that all penguin AU you guys mentioned.

*An influx of alternate universe Spuffy

*You could have everyone feature their favorite character meeting Buffy and/or Spike and helping them.

*Balloons and/or Confetti have to be in everything.

*Buffy's birthday (or Spike's rebirthday) is the theme.

*pie in someone's face

*clowns show up

... and I think now I'm just saying weird stuff, but anyway, let's have fun!


thenewbuzwuzz May 27 2020, 10:05:18 UTC
Thank you very much for all your ideas and feedback! <3

The all-penguin AU has been done, of course (though I'm not sure if any of that happened on Seasonal Spuffy), but maybe there could be a throwback! :)


justwriter2 August 5 2020, 06:10:49 UTC
I just read up a little on types of Japanese poetry and there's types where different authors collaborate!

It's so cool and I think it'd be a fun writing exercise or could be adapted to gifs.

Please do a quick read through of the types and tell me what you think. Doing renga and sedoka sound way more fun than just plain haiku or tanka.


thenewbuzwuzz August 5 2020, 08:53:56 UTC
Thank you, that's interesting! I think some new kind of collaborative poetry could definitely be fun, so I'll discuss this with the other mods. :)


double_dutchess May 26 2020, 22:00:48 UTC
Congratulations on a succesful round of Seasonal Spuffy!! I am still catching up with most of the free-for-all entries, but it's already more than clear that this round has been extremely bountiful. So much great stuff!!

A big applause to all the authors and artists, and a standing ovation to the mods who made all of it possible! THANK YOU!


thenewbuzwuzz May 27 2020, 10:06:31 UTC
*blows party horn* <3


the_wiggins May 26 2020, 23:02:01 UTC
Thanks mods for everything you do!!!

This was an amazing round of Seasonal Spuffy, so much creativity from everyone involved. I'm still catching up on works, but I've enjoyed everything I've read/seen.

And wow, 15 years! Excited to see what the fall round will look like :D

As far as ideas: maybe something like an optional fic/fan fanwork exchange? It can be fun and motivating to work based off of someone else's prompt. Ooh, or maybe an extra long round so more people can have their own day and some could even have multiples? IDK, just ideas off the top of my head. I also liked justwriter's idea about opening it up to all human for a round. It's not my main thing, but it could be fun to see what people came up with.


thenewbuzwuzz May 27 2020, 10:27:51 UTC

The thing about the length of the round is we normally plan it based on how many people say they want to participate. So if there's a lot of interest in the initial planning poll, we automatically have a longer round. I certainly hope that'll be the case! I can just about imagine expanding the schedule if a lot of additional people notice the event after signup has already opened; we'll burn that bridge when we get there. :)

As a group of mods, we have some very different feelings about all-human AUs. :) We shall convene.

Thanks very much for your ideas!


flowspuffy May 27 2020, 17:04:39 UTC
I just want to thank all the mods who put in their time, effort, and love to host this event and have made another fantastic round of Spuffy art possible. You guys rock!


thenewbuzwuzz May 27 2020, 17:06:41 UTC


myrabeth_fanfic May 27 2020, 17:33:45 UTC
Ending the round on a two day free-for-all seemed to bring out a lot of last minute goodies. Maybe the fall round's schedule should be a little heavy on free-for-all days, and end on a big, three day stretch of them? People who are deadline-phobic or deadline breakers are not a rarity here. For the 15th anniversary, giving everyone extra wiggle room is likely to result in a bigger event.


thenewbuzwuzz May 27 2020, 18:32:11 UTC
Yeah, extra free-for-all days definitely sound like a good idea. :) Thanks for your input!


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