Round 28 of Seasonal Spuffy is now closed!

May 26, 2020 12:38

Thank you all so much for making it memorable and beautiful as always! Whether you contributed art, fic, fic-ish, kinda fic, tutorial, or feedback, your participation is very appreciated. <3 Let's also give a round of applause to my fellow mods who worked either behind the scenes or in plain sight: slaymesoftly, teragramm, eurydice72, and rbfvid.

If you haven't seen all the entries yet, treat yourself at your leisure, and feel free to let the creators know what you enjoy! We plan to keep anonymous comments enabled at least until the end of this week, so that anyone can comment even without logging in to LiveJournal/Dreamwidth. There will be an index post soonish to help with catching up.

If you didn't quite manage to finish something you wanted to post, no worries! Consider if you'd like to share it on our Solstice Free-for-all this June. More on that soon. :)

Authors, if you crosspost your fic to Elysian Fields or Archive of Our Own, remember that you can use the Seasonal Spuffy EF category and AO3 tag to help readers find your story. Readers, feel free to check the same two places for a selection of Seasonal Spuffy fic from this round and past rounds, and, of course, you can browse all previous entries on our archive. (Creators, please remember to tell us if you don't want us to save a backup copy of your entry on this WordPress archive!)

Everyone, how was the round for you? Please let us know if you noticed anything we could organize better, or anything we should keep doing because it's working particularly well.

Before we part ways, it's time for some foreshadowing: the fall 2020 round is going to mark the 15-year anniversary of Seasonal Spuffy! Expect something special. :) We're still brainstorming, so if you have an idea for making the anniversary round extra fun, feel free to let us know!

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