Title: Ostara Blessings
fancyflautist Era/season/setting: S6/S7
Rating: PG (minor language)
Summary: Willow enlists the help of the Scoobies for a big abundance ritual for Ostara. Meanwhile, Buffy is trying to push forward in her relationship with Spike. Featuring grass facts, a hell-bunny, and an original Wiccan ritual!
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Comments 5
Since you mentioned editing mistakes, I did see a few little things. There's a spot at the begining of the trip to the mall where a sentence is started but not finished (maybe it got cut out accidentally when you pasted it over here or something?). And there's also a few minor formatting mistakes like double quotation marks inside of double quotation marks and hyphens used instead of dashes. But overall a great read and I found the story very enjoyable.
I loved the details of the ritual and the fact that Buffy and Spike had to fight a demon, which happened to be a giant evil Easter Bunny!
And this was my favorite quote:
“Oh, I’ll give you adjectives! Infuriating, impossible, pain-in-my-ass...”
She looked at him thoughtfully. “Is that an adjective?”
It's just very cute and very them.Also, feel free to hit me up if you plan on ( ... )
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