It's a great honor to open a new round of
Seasonal_Spuffy and I'm happy to be here again! Thank you,
ladyofthelog and
snickfic, for organizing the event, and thanks to
amyxaphania for a wonderful banner! Can't wait to read everyone else's stuff.
I've got a fic for today. Possibly I'll post some fanart on free-for-all day.
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Comments 98
That was great. Soo much better than the comic.
Pretty, pretty please, continue your wedding-verse! Make it as wacky as possible! Make them discover the Seed "McGuffin" of Wonder and do something outrageous to it!
I mean to continue with the wedding verse if I can, but there won't be any comics references in it.
Let your muse be with you! *smoochies*
"You're so fixated on your sire, Spike. It's unhealthy. Actually, I'm writing a thesis on sire-childe dynamics…"
Andrew is so in character and so devious and resourceful and he takes initiative! I love how he's actually writing academic stuff and really turning into a mini-Giles, as opposed to a wannabe-Giles!
Poor women, suffering for their beauty effulgent.
Ack! So many throwbacks to the show! I love it!
"Yes. Spill. Have you slept with Spike?.."
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh gosh, I wonder how she would have reacted if he'd said yes?
Spike swallowed back a retort that he'd liked hippies back in the Woodstock era. They'd tasted great.
Even more "bwahahahaha"ing!
The lack of a cock makes your blood rush in the direction of your brain, my dear Angelina".
She remembers "Touched"!!! Ah, so sweet and funny at the same time!
She's sexier than William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and Jonathan Frakes put together.
Who said I'm gay?"References to Star ( ... )
I love Andrew. He's a source of unexhaustible humor and gentler kind of snark. He is a bit of a trickster in his own way - he can move the plot in an unexpected direction. And, last but not least, he's the voice of my inner geek.
*pets Andrew*
""Yes. Spill. Have you slept with Spike?..""
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh gosh, I wonder how she would have reacted if he'd said yes?
I'm so glad you like this bit. Actually, I kind of borrowed this misunderstanding from the last scene of "Our Mrs. Reynolds"- at least that was the idea. I wanted Spike to be Inara for a while... :)
"The lack of a cock makes your blood rush in the direction of your brain, my dear Angelina"."
She remembers "Touched"!!! Ah, so sweet and funny at the same time!
Of course, she remembers! But it's so typically Buffy way to tell Spike that she remembers and appreciates it - to quote the most embarrasing part of his speech! :)
how I love S2 time travelI adore time-travel per se, and I especially adore it in Spuffy fics, ( ... )
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Actually, the hardent part was inventing the reason why Xander and Willow can't go with Buffy. I couldn't find anything within the show mythology that could prevent them from helping Buffy, so I had to use an external obstacle.
Then started to ponder about a fic with a penis-less man Spike. I've already read a fic with Xander as a man but with breasts -not man-breasts- woman breasts.
O. M. G. Poor guys! :)))))))))
But, at least, now we know what makes them undergo all those grotesque transformations! The Seed of Wonder! It was hidden there, without a guardian, in s 2-7, so any fic writer any character could feed his kinks with it!
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