Title: "Time Bomb"
callieachRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Donna, The Doctor, Team Torchwood, & the Nobles
Spoilers: 4x13
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Not claiming to own any of it, so don't sue! If I did, I wouldn't be still heartbroken, would I?
Summary: Donna's forgetting and remembering things she shouldn't.
I realize I did post the first part of this here a few weeks ago, but now it's complete, so here are all the links, in one handy place. I'd love it if you'd give it a read and leave me some feedback. Especially on the epilogue of this fixit, since I've played around with general Who canon a bit.
Part One: An Interupted Vacation Part Two: Ticking Part Three: The Shocking Save The Epilogue