Mar 13, 2006 02:26
So the wee one “arrived” on 25 December and since we’ve not been particularly loyal to any major holiday tradition, her birth marks an opportunity to invent one. While the entire hospital stay was unpredictable, and on occasion disconcerting, it was truly the event of a “lifetime” and to mark it in a special way seems appropriate.
Ritual: The 6 Days of Adelemas (6 Days “full of Adele”)
Among the things Adele’s birth honors and represents to us are:
Hope & Humor
Patience & Acceptance
Abundance & Renewal
PREP - 23rd: A day of fasting (liquids allowed) & preparation (cleaning space & creating bundle of burden - BOB)
REFLECTION - 24th: A day of music, contemplation (articulating hopes) & complete fasting (record personal reflections - PR - hopes and revelations)
SHARE - 25th: A day of fasting (liquids allowed) and meaningful, intimate communication with friends and family
SHARE - 26th: A day of celebration laden with storytelling and light feast shared with family and friends (exchange stories of PR & BOB)
SHARE - 27th: A day of celebration with feast, family and friends (burn PR & BOB or otherwise redistribute energy of thoughts and ideas)
RESOLUTION - 28th: A day of celebration of home (space clearing)
Various devices employed will be gemstones, essential oils, mediation exercises
Each day was marked with drugs, drugs and more drugs so maybe in our Adelemas celebration - we may use various types of other intoxicants: spirits, caffeine, chocolate, etc.