Mar 30, 2006 13:06
So I was pondering religious history like I often do while in the shower for some reason and I started to wonder, what would happen if Jesus Christ had his second coming and descended down to the earthly realm to wander around us retarded mortals again? More specifically, what about the Jews? I mean, nothing against them of course, but I couldn't help but wonder.
History tells us that the last time Jesus was over for a visit, a good percentage of Judaism refused to follow his teachings. It's not that they didn't believe he existed, and many of them probably even believed he was Christ, the real deal. It's that they didn't see where his authority to teach came from. "So you're the son of God? So what. Big deal. Why should I listen to you, just cause you barge in here with your sandals and your long hair?"
I almost drowned in the shower from all the laughing I was doing. I mean, if Jesus came down again for another stay, he'd probably work extra hard this time to move all the Jews over to his point of view, right? So he'd probably have to go to rabbi school. After he spent seven years or so training there, and three years of running his own practice, he might be able to win a few of them over if he was persuasive enough (They'll be looking for a bargain too). It's not like he'd have to work REALLY hard at it, since modern-day Judaism and Christianity are basically the same, except for the weird things dealing with food (Kosher food for example, also Communion wafers; I went to a Catholic mass a few months ago and nearly choked on the body of Christ. Hopefully all is forgiven by now).
All blasphemy aside, however, it was a really funny mental image. Christ in rabbi gear. Heehee.