And now we rest. For thirty seconds.

May 27, 2008 17:38

I've finished the first pass-through on A Local Habitation! Yes! Every chapter has been smacked with the editorial machete of Bringing Things Into Line With The Final Submitted Version of Rosemary and Rue! Now, this doesn't mean that it's done, submission-ready, ready for print, or anything fancy like that...

...but it does mean that I'm done with the really heavy lifting, and can start worrying about the pacing, the flow, the subtle points of continuity, and the fact that I somehow made it through multiple drafts of the book without noticing that I had a car suddenly materialize twenty-six chapters in. Win!

As I am still too sick to die, I will retreat with my triumph to update my continuity guide.

a local habitation, rewrites, toby daye, editing

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