May 27, 2008 11:47
So I'm back from BayCon! And to celebrate, I've managed to come down with the most boring case of con-crud ever experienced. Seriously, I feel like hell, I haven't got the energy to pry the cat out of my dresser drawer (which is really for the best, since when she's shedding on my clean tank tops, she's not interfering with my attempts to process edits), and although I really need to go to the post office, I'd really rather sit here and hope someone will put me out of my misery.
But the con was awesome.
I've been a regular on the 'Sex Lies and Publishing' panel for years, discussing what it takes to get published and what people are willing to do if it seems likely to get them published. Last year, when I was BayCon's Toastmistress, I turned to the moderator and asked if a book contract came in my gift basket. And this year, I got to be on the panel from the other side of things! Very surreal, and very cool.
I got the chance to chat with several other authors working with DAW, including two who share my editor. So that was simply fabulous, both from a business standpoint and from the 'oh, wow, this still isn't a dream' side of things. So much fun!
My concert went fabulously, as always, thanks to the hard work of my many, many musical co-conspirators. I'll doubtless talk about this more later, but for right now, big thanks to Paul Kwinn, Tony Fabris, Michelle Dockrey, Maya Bohnhoff, Beckett Gladney, Kristoph Klover, and Jeff Bohnhoff (who wasn't in the show, but helped a lot with some of the arrangements). It's been pointed out to me again that no matter how in love I am with new material, I should really include some of the stuff on my CDs in my live shows. My protests that people can buy the songs on the CDs continue to fall on deaf ears. Si-igh.
It was a great weekend, my lovely viral infestation notwithstanding. Welcome to all the new folks who have swung by here in the past week, and while I'd promise to ramble less when not sick, I'd be lying.