Mar 21, 2008 13:51
we are all living out our lives on a pale blue dot. . .putting me in mind of Seuss' "Horton Hears a Who"! Or when I was about 16, I wrote my first almost non-self conscious poem for Mr. Waller's creative writing class, at Leland High in San Jose CA, about Sheldon who is depressed and thinks perhaps the whole of earth is a globe on god's nightstand.
Take a look:
I took Mason to his first movie in a theater, recently. I am happy I got to do that as I also took his big brother, Alex, to HIS first movie theater experience. Same movie house too - Poulsbo Cinema. Well, Mason is 3 and we went to see "Horton Hears a Who." At first we were the only ones in the theater - Mason, Alex, cousin Paige and me,Nana. Well Mason looks around at all those rows of seats and asks, "Nana, when is everybody else coming?"
Relativity :-)
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