Jan 14, 2008 18:35
Yes, I haven't posted in many a moon (for those of you who don't "hablar native american" that means several periods of roughly 28 days in which the moon cycles between full and new/dark upon which early calendars relied, leading to the modern day concept of months) and I have an excuse. My fingers were eaten by rabid bees. I also have a more "true" but less satisfying excuse, in that I've been very busy being a law student. You say I finished classes in the middle of December? I reply that I then left the country for Spain, where the internet is not a series of tubes, but rather a dump truck (for those keeping track, that is a lie, Spain has perfectly good internet, it just spirals down the internet wires counterclockwise instead of clockwise like in America). You might reply to that that I got back on New Year's Eve, to which I would reply that shut up your mouth. The point is, I haven't posted the list of books I read in 2007 (which I know, no one wants to read, but I like to have a good record) or my new list for 2008 (is one thing a list?) or any of the brilliant insights I've had over the past three and a half minutes (which felt like a life time).
My main reason for reentering the blog-o-sphere with my special heat shielding ceramic tiles of sarcasm and lies is that
a) I feel like I should write things that aren't explaining why people in an elevator shouldn't get money despite having to share their ride with a disembodied head (true story, ask me about torts)
2) I'm secretly (well, not secretly so much as openly) in favor of being famous, and I'd like to have one of those things described by Living Colour (don't you love having to Google to figure out what I'm talking about? Or know your pop culture). Isn't it weird that they spelled color the British way, despite being not British?
D) If the firms I'm applying to Google me, I don't want them to think I'm lazy, boring, a professional wrestler or the kind of person who once wrote a column that had a complete disregard for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. In fact I am only one of those things.
So look forward to my triumphant return. Topics might include humorous (or more likely disturbing) cases from my studies, discussions of sports, complaints that it was supposed to snow 4-7 inches last night and it only snowed 0 inches, and other enlightening fare.