Last night I was regaling
mrs_clubber with a personal tale of adventure, which I concluded by saying, "It was a mystery". To which the love of my life burst out, "There was no mystery! You're just dumb!"¹
♣ ♣ ♣This morning I was seated at the end of one of the two "give up this seat for elderly or handicapped" rows on the bus. Every other person
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And I'm 100% behind you on the bus thing!! There are more times where I have gotten up for an elderly or handicapped person and I'll do it over again and again. It's just polite! Shoot, I've held doors open for men before.
I'm not taking sides on the Clubber home. Good luck with that. (I like Mrs Clubber's Nemi posts and don't want to be excluded).
And I was just pointing out that my very own wife called me "dumb". Excuse me now while I go and weep bitter, wounded tears in this cold, comfortless world.
In this particular instance, I was telling her the incredible-but-true tale of The Day My End Table Vanished Into Thin Air. I had been laying in bed, and reached over to my end table to get my glasses, and it wasn't there. I kept reaching out further and further, but encountered nothing but air. mrs_clubber maintains that if I had moved my hand higher up, or perhaps turned my head to look, I would have discovered that my end table was where it always was and that I was just simply further down the bed than I was accustomed to, but I say that sucker was just gone, like abducted by aliens or something.
And when I said, at the conclusion of my tale, "Yep, it was a real mystery all right," that was when mrs_clubber burst out with her hurtful and erroneous exclamation.
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