She's Leaving Home, Bye Bye

Jun 15, 2007 09:13

Today mrs_clubber departs for Norway for three-and-a-bit weeks. I look forward to getting reaquainted with my Kraft-dinner-making skills. Normally when she goes away, I eat a lot of the stuff I don't normally have while she's here — especially soups. Mrs. Clubber is not into soups. But with the weather being a tad warm these days, I'm thinking I may be more of a sandwiches and Kraft dinner kinda guy (plus assorted other things I can microwave or dump out of a can).

It's not that I can't cook —I can, and I happen to think I'm a pretty decent cook, thank you very much— but I have a lot of trouble in going to all the ffort of cooking when it's just for me. I can't be bothered getting two pots/pans going along with the stove when it's just me who's going to eat it.

♣     ♣     ♣
Coincidentally, the other thing that happens today is the beginning of the City of Heroes "Double Experience Weekend". So, while I may be madly missing my wife and perhaps not eating as well as I should, I should be able to sufficiently distract myself over the next two days and perhaps help Mr. Las Vegas to seriously close the gap between levels 45 and 50.

Yeah, I know 90% of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Sorry about that.
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