Perhaps literally. Had my first appointment with my Tampa neurologist yesterday, who ordered a new MRI (since the last was in 2006 or thereabouts and the possibly-seizures started in 2009) and an EEG, which he was surprised I had not had done yet. Also, he said there are two general categories of causes for migraine-intense headaches, and since exactly one treatment has worked for me in all the years my medical team have been approaching the problem from one direction, he's going to see if treating me like the other set of causes is applicable will yield better results (of course, depending on what the MRI and EEG show, my treatment will change). He also gave me prescriptions for two new medications, one of which the military clinics down here don't carry. So today I get to find out how much a prescription will cost me for the first time since Spouse joined the Navy.
While I am grateful for a neurologist that asks lots of questions and listens to my answers (which my SD neuro did, don't get me wrong, but I think she and I both might have fallen into a rut with regards to my treatment), I really miss the availability of services and medication in a command that had an actual hospital attached. I think this experience is a strong argument that yes, I should apply for Exceptional Family Member Status. I'll have to bring that up with my GP next time I see him, which should be soon so he can follow up on the Celexa.
I'm better than I was, which is a very sad statement, because I am not remotely well. At least I'm still rocking the knitting, and my puppies remain the cutest in all the land. Have a picture taken in San Diego: