The Setup:
Brady Quinn is the quarterback for Notre Dame. He is widely considered to be the front-runner in the race for the Heisman, and will probably go #1 in the NFL draft next year.
In the intrest of full disclosure, I should say that I don't really like Notre Dame. Kind of like how I feel about Duke, except I hate Duke 34985 times more.
This is where it gets almost too good to be true.
Brady Quinn has an older sister.
But no ordinary older sister. See, she happened to be engaged (at the time) all-american linebacker for the Packers, formerly of Ohio State.
A.J. Hawk is a large and powerful man.
She was faced with quite a problem last January, when Ohio State was playing Notre Dame, and the circumstances were such that her boyfriend, in an effort to win the game, was doing his best to hit her little brother as hard as he could in the chest. That's just what linebackers are supposed to do, it doesn't matter if it's your girlfriend's brother or not.
Who would she root for, though? As it turns out, both.
That was at last year's Fiesta Bowl. This became a running joke among everyone I know who watched the game, especially when ABC seemed transfixed by the whole situation. They even sent Jack Arute, the sideline reporter, to interview her, which turned out hilariously when all he did was flash a goofy smile the whole time and pretty much hit on her while she was trying to watch the game. Brent Musberger was his usual ridiculous self.
A.J. Hawk sacked Brady Quinn, and Laura Quinn made a face.
We also know that Laura Quinn isn't the brightest apple on the tree.
So anyway, they got married this year, and Notre Dame went down to Atlanta to play Georgia Tech on Saturday. The College Gameday crew was there, which meant a lot of this:
Fans love holding up signs supporting their team, belittling the opponent, and cheering boistrously behind the crew as the three guys are doing the show. So there were a lot of Georgia Tech fans taking advantage of this situation.
The Punchline:
One of these fans was holding up a memorable sign on Saturday that made me laugh for ten minutes straight, and
Deadspin caught it as well:
"Brady Quinn's sister loves the D."
I don't care who you are, that's just funny.