Jun 13, 2007 23:49
I am, quite possibly, the least responsible person I know. I am often late to work, I misplace my friends' belongings, and I never remember to take back library books or movies and thus run up quite a hefty sum of library charges. However; I think I have found the root of all this evil.
My mother.
I think she has surpassed me in the "least responsible person I know" category. Let me explain. About 2 months ago I asked my mother for a copy of my birth certificate because I had to get a passport to go to Canada. Well, apparently she had mailed it. But I never received it. Also about a month ago my mother supposedly mailed me the application to my apartment that had been notarized and signed by her. I also never received this. Well, this could all be explained by the fact that the Post Office reassigned boxes for the summer and anything that I may have received would have been sent back to the sender because somehow they didn't know I was staying over the summer and receiving mail here. But! If my mother had received either of these documents back, she would have told me and wondered why they had been sent back to her. And...she's never mentioned any of it to me. This leads me to believe that neither was sent and she lied to me about sending it because she's just too lazy to do so. So, let's go back to the birth certificate issue. She has 2 certified copies of my birth certificate (now abbreviated b.c. from here on out). Why she couldn't mail me ONE of these copies is beyond me, over my head completely! She claims she sent me a "copy" of my birth certificate and it wasn't certified so I wouldn't have been able to use it to get my passport anyway, so it's a good thing I went home in May and just brought the real thing back with me. Does anybody else see the flaw in her story here???? Now for the apartment application issue (now being called a.a. for short). She claims she mailed the a.a. to me and MIRACULOUSLY! I never received it. So, she says shes grateful she made copies of the original "just in case", when in reality I believe these "copies" ARE the originals and she never got it done to begin with. Mainly because my mother isnt the type to make copies of things "just in case" something happens. It just doesn't cross her mind. OK, so that really wouldn't be a big deal right? Well, she told me at the end of exams (May 8ish) that she had mailed this a.a. And a week and a half later I told her she might have to get it re-done. So, she's had right at a month to go to the bank and get the damn thing notarized and mailed back to me. She's yet to done it. Her excuse? She's too busy giving my father directions to leave the house. But, her mother's house is in the same town that her bank is in and she visits her mother about once a week. Why, during this time, could she not go to the bank and have the papers notarized? I don't understand it. And to make it worst, today she had a doctor's appointment at 2 pm. Could she not go early to the bank or go after her appointment? I haven't spoken to her today but somehow I don't think she got the job done. So now we go back to the passport issue. Because I'm having to have my passport expedited and sent to me through two way overnight delivery, the damn thing is gonna cost me right at $200. I, with my paychecks of right at $100 for every 2 weeks, cannot afford this obviously. Even if I saved every penny of my paychecks for weeks, this would leave me with no food or gas money. Also, you must pay with separate personal checks. My personal bank account is negative 77 dollars. So its pretty obvious I'm not going to be paying for this anytime soon. So, I spoke to my mother last Wednesday about this issue and she said "We'll figure something out." On Thursday or Friday we made a deal that she would come down here and use her banking account to pay for my passport because it would be too unrealistic to send a few checks in the mail for certain amounts of money because of the fact that A) the prices on each check may differ once I'm in the passport office and B) it's safer than mailing. Not to mention I HIGHLY doubt she'd ever mail them (i'm going on precedent here....). I asked her last week to tell me by Monday which day she would be coming down here because I have to make an appointment with the passport office due to their being so busy because of air travel to Canada and Mexico now. Also so that I would know which day to be expecting her because I DO have a job and a life down here. I spoke to her Monday. She told me she didn't know when she'd make it down here because on Wednesday (today)she had a doctor's appointment. I spoke to her this morning. Nothing. So, I'm guessing she isn't going to come. And this will be another issue for me to have to deal with. I also thought she was going to help me pay for the apartment application because at most it's going to cost $145. Again, this is 2 paychecks with no gas or food money. Well, Monday when we were talking I was telling her the costs of everything for the a.a. and she said "And who's gonna pay for all this?!?" Taken aback I responded, "Uhhh, I guess me then." And she said nothing that could prove me otherwise. Now, this wouldn't be an issue because Jeremy wired me a shit ton of money. However; I was under the impression I wouldn't have to pay for anything and spent the money he gave me on summer clothes (stuff I needed desperately...trust me) and food. So, now I have about $125 left plus my tax checks which comes to about $225. I get paid on the 22nd. What do I do? When did my mother get so irresponsible? I think it's when she started to care more about her cats than her family.
And my father is no better. He's a truck driver. And they GIVE HIM directions to the places he has to go. But for some reason, he doesn't trust those directions so everytime he gets a new place to go, he calls my mother and she mapquests it for him so that he can write them down. These mapquest directions are typically the same one his company gives to him. What's the point? Not only this, but he FREAKS OUT in unfamiliar places and calls my mom and makes her stand by the computer to give him step-by-step directions in case he fucks it up. When I rode with him the summer of 2005, we just used the directions his company gave him and followed those. Only once did they ever really mess up, and we figured it out on our own. We didn't have to call my mother 6 or 7 times a day. None of it makes sense. None of it. There is just no way to rationalize any of this. And because of the fact that he calls her so often (and I dont lie when i say 6 or 7 times), she has to stay at home and not venture out. She has no real life. No friends other than her sisters and her mother. (And her cats..but those do not count.)
So the question is, what do I do? I wouldn't dare ask Jeremy for more money because I obviously blew the first shipment because I thought I was on safe ground. My mother..well we see where that's going. If she manages to make it down here within the next week, (hopefully by the 22nd), it will take 2-3 weeks to get my passport if we're lucky. So, if all goes well, I would get it between July 13th and the 20th. About 2 weeks before I leave. And if things don't go as planned, well them I'm travelling on Bush's new regulations on showing them my license and proof that I've at least paid for the passport, just haven't received it yet. And none of this is my fault!!! If she has just mailed me the b.c. like I asked of her in April/May..we wouldn't have this issue would we? In fact, I could actually afford it then when it was only $97.
I'm sorry if I've bored you all with this, but I'm really worried and I need advice so please help me. I just needed to get that off of my chest. Thanks guys.