hello, 2009!

Jan 01, 2009 14:58

bored in the room

I know I've practically disappeared from LJ, due to shifting my emo and whining posts into my blog instead, but one of my resolutions for this year is to connect back with LJ. Something that might take a steer re-adjustment from me, but hey!

2008 had been kind and dramatically epic. I get to build my confidence step by step but at the same time I find myself in tears at night. I learned trust and betrayal. I was in doubt and in assurance. It's also my first trial of being in a relationship, I'm naive with big dreams, he's ambitious with childish takes in the present. But we finally got through everything, since after having our major fight for the year 2008, we spent the last few days of 2008 to regain our trust, to affirm ourselves with each others' perks. Starting over, more like it.

& glad to say that I am finally beginning to appreciate things? Everyone, every person around me, every words, every moments. I want to thank you for making 2008 happen, for helping me to live through it. Love you people.

2008 had also been a place of huge shifts: I was passed here and htere to meet new people, I had to juggle between my personalities to reassure my status in the society, and in the end of the year I am shifted to a different state for education. I am here in Kuantan, where new year was celebrated in the room due to the rain! The rain ruined our plan to go to the funfair! No!

Also somehow my batch is trusting all responsibilities on me? I am called as the Ketua Batch (Head of the Batch) now? Unofficially yet agreed by everyone? Man.

But anyway, I will try my best to write in here again. I've been awfully cryptic in my other blog it makes no sense. I am beginning to dissolve myself in a personality that I have yet to discover. But now 2009 is here, I will serve my place in my last teen year, so I hope I'll get to find myself again.

I am going to tell to myself that fuck the other people, I am already awesome. Don't be intimidated, let them be intimidated by you!

I am set to rule the world.
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