The Morgenrot Legacy 2.2

Mar 21, 2009 23:09

Urgh, sorry for the late post. My computer sputtered for a second and I had to do maintenance to make sure it wasn't dying on me. Anyways, onwards!
Warnings: The usual.
Image count: 122 images total.

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Comments 30

nardaviel March 22 2009, 06:09:12 UTC

I am a good stalker, yes I am. =3

My heir portraits have glitched as well. 'cept I'm at gen 4. -____________- And the little photobooth pic backups I had glitched too.

Aww, Pollito has found his family! The founders have to come from somewhere, I guess. OR DO THEY

Dorito is my favoritest! I always like the difficult ones. DX It creates problems. AND OHAIIII LICKITUNG =D ...and the jealous!Corvus pleases me greatly, for... some reason o_o

This legacy is making me want to play with OfB. I'm sure I'll end up doing it soon. I AM AFEARED. DX


sea_serpent March 24 2009, 02:16:20 UTC
Those stalker emails are efficient, man :o

UGH, it bugs me when they do that :( I had the heir portraits glitch at generation 2 in a previous legacy. I was not a happy panda.

I <3 Dorito, though I admit that TNT is the better mix of his parents. We'll see how it goes, though! :D

Lickitung totally got on that bus to avoid going back home, where his siblings attack each other on a daily basis and his dad walks around in his underwear. Poor kid XD

Businesses are fun to play, but I feel like they hog so much of my attention... like, I focus all the time on the shop, and so the kids lose a lot of screentime. That all changes once they turn into teens, though, since they're the ones who start running everything XD


anonymous March 22 2009, 06:18:04 UTC
I seriously have a major crush on Corvus. That boy is hawt. XD;;; I kind of love him. <3333

And epic lulz and Pollito's long-lost twin. XDD That was great. And I absolutely loved his salesman skills. So sleazy, but so awesome. 8D

Out of the kids, I think I like Dorito the most. Or it might be because I recognize and remember his name easier, I dunno. We'll have to see~

Update the Scallywags soon, I miss them~



sea_serpent March 24 2009, 02:17:59 UTC
I was REALLY amused when the long lost twin walked in! They look so similar, I had to comment on it :P

Scallywag update is next, worry not~~~ ^_^


radiationpoison March 22 2009, 06:47:00 UTC

Oh man, have I mentioned lately how much I love your legacies and their lolworthy happenings/commentary?!

Your sims always make the most awesome expressions and actually seem to do stuff, whereas mine? Sit around and play football 24/7 xD;;

[LOL! Micah is a total shop lifter]


sea_serpent March 24 2009, 02:19:58 UTC

Hurrr, thank ye! XD It's funny, 'cause that's the way I feel about my legacies - like nothing ever happens and that other people's sims do a lot more awesome stuff than mine do. I have a feeling that all legacy players think along those lines :P

[YES, he totally is. I had to make him selectable and cancel out whatever it was that he planned on doing so he would get his ass back in the store to pay XDDD]


blood_pledge March 22 2009, 07:02:11 UTC
EEEEEK Morgenrot update!

LMAO @ Pollito clone.

Corvus is freaking sexy with his batshit insane painting. I wish I could have him in my game. T_T
As for the paintings disappearing, do you have the option to do custom paintings? They're lower in quality, but if they glitch you can just repaint them.

Dude, running a business while trying to raise toddlers and being broke must not be fun, though it does get easier once they learn to ~\*dazzle*/~ the customers.


sea_serpent March 24 2009, 02:23:06 UTC
Seriously! It would've been even more amusing if he had popped up with the face template whose nose I slapped onto Pollito. Then they would've really been family XD

Corvus is from katu_sims's Electric Boogaloo template set, but I have no idea which exact face template he is @_@ If I ever do figure it out, I'll give you a shout XD

It really isn't! Mostly because someone inevitably gets stuck caring for the kids while the other person runs the shop alone, meaning that everyone has a different sleep schedule -_-;; It's a lot easier when the kids grow into teens though, since they can start running the shop as well :P


namaic_intent March 22 2009, 08:58:12 UTC
I've just started a nearly awesomesauce legacy myself. XD I still hack shamelessly with skillpoints, but I've weaned myself off aspiration and motive hacking, which is huge for me. <.<
Anyway! Your sims are awesome, as always. Poor Chakra is kinda boring. I hope karma at least lets her grow up gorgeous. I love how the twins, who grew up well, are the more interesting.
Also, what order are you doing the colors in? Original Rainbow Challange order? Am I.. am I going to have to wait until 9th gen for the utter fail? D:


sea_serpent March 24 2009, 02:28:35 UTC
OHOHO! There you are! Behold, VIVIAN! I finally remembered to cap a picture of him XDDD

Chakra grows up really pretty, and the game spited me by making her the best mix of her parents. She's crazy useful around the shop, though, restocking things on the fly while the twins handle customers and the cash machine XD Child labour ftw!

And yes, I am indeed going in original Rainbow order, though I'm bumping Black up to gen 8 rather than 9. The wait'll be worth it... hopefully.


namaic_intent March 24 2009, 05:29:49 UTC
YAY OMG VIVIAN!!! ...getting conned into buying something I doubt he needs. XD But he looks great! I love that hair on him. >w< I'm glad he could help pad your poor family's bank account.

Beauty plus usefulness value? A good genetic mix? Damn you game. I suppose all legacies need a couple generations to start producing the crazies, though. Can't breed Yamagi Light into all families. XD

I'm sure the wait will be plenty worth it. You'd probably want to breed in black hair for it anyway, and why curse your family with black hair genetics so early on, anyway? <.<;;; Yes, plenty worth it! Play on!


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