Mar 20, 2009 01:32

HAY GUISE, I was getting my dose of blood_pledge's Von Hässlich uglacy and I noticed that she had a VERY USEFUL TIDBIT OF INFORMATION at the top of her entry. Behold!

"Say you're reading a legacy *coughtheJambonscough* and you come across the dreaded Bandwidth Limit Exceeded sign. O noes! Well, just scroll down and highlight the entire entry, open up MS Word, and paste everything in there. The pictures will be visible, u guise."

I tried this on a mac and, as it often goes, it didn't work. BUT IF YOU'RE ON A PC THEN YOU SHOULD TRY! It might work! If you want to catch up with one of my older posts and it's dead of Photobucket (an extremely likely scenario, sadly), then this might be the way to get around it!!

ALSO: Update on the... 21st? I think so. I know I said that I'd update on the 15th, but it didn't work out (school and all that stupid stuff). Look forward to it! :)
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