I have been somewhat silent over here this week. I got my hair cut and I started my period so I took some klonopin and felt nice. I had a really intense therapy session that made me realize something fundamental; so, once again, a random name i picked from a list turns out to be the therapist for me. After months of searching. So I'm looking into psychodynamic psychotherapy & it seems a good approach for me. So far.
Looking into counseling programs, too. I love working at haven and i want to do more.
I'm brimming with stories about the women's voices that I hear on the phone, but it would clearly be inappropriate to write anything about the details of the calls that I've taken in such a public forum--especially with my location being known to most who read this.
I can say that I heard a woman's voice break as she started to cry in the middle of the sentence "I have nowhere to go." I can say that I am amazed at the calm and strength I hear in the voices of women speaking of the violence and fear they live with every day. Often, these women's voices make me feel stronger.
I can say that it breaks my heart to have to say, over and over again, "Unfortunately, our shelter is full at this time."
I know we serve a highly populated area, but it is distressing and heartbreaking to realize that so many women are in life-threatening situations that we do not have room to house them all. Even WITH the funding we've received from the government, due mostly in part to the
Violence Against Women Act. Sometime during the Bush administration I was writing to senators and such because the act and its stipulations have been threatened.
It scares me very much to see how tenuous are the laws put in place to protect women; how little funding there is to help them.
Imagine being able to offer a bed to every single woman who needed one.
I came home today and meditated for about half an hour, just trying to diffuse some of the heartbreak of denying shelter to four women in four hours.
One of the best things about my thursdays at haven is that the experience always, always lifts me out of the personal and into (not just the political!) the universal.
For me, that can be a deeply satisfying emotional & spiritual experience.
But the universal isn't all sunshine and roses. Remember the times I've ranted about Kali. There's darkness out there, and scariness and ugliness; and that's universal too.
Yoga for Life opens in August. If you are local you should come have fun in a class of mine. My teaching style is laid-back and down to earth & i like to get students to laugh. I find this diffuses the discomfort and nervousness that most first-time students feel. Anyway
here's the teacher's profile page--mine's up now.
Yeah, I'm using my maiden name for most things these days.
I am so tired of my f-ing divorce. I threw my cell phone at the wall the other day and then felt silly.