My More Joy Day entry: FANNISH SHIP SQUEE

Jan 20, 2017 08:17

HELLO. Today, in honor of people coming back to the ol' blogosphere, I want to engage in some pure, unadulterated fannish ship squee. Here's what you do: you comment to this post with your fandom and ship name in the subject line of your comment (I'll do a sample to show you) and then just, y'know, SQUEE. Flail uncontrollably! Post pictures! Talk about that ONE TIME when they DID THAT THING.

2. If in the course of your squee you harsh someone else's ship, I'll ask you to edit (if you don't, I'll screen)
3. If you comment to someone else's squee with harsh, I'll delete the comment
4. You are welcome to post about MULTIPLE SHIPS
5. This is a "comments encouraged" space, so please respond to other people's squee with your own!
6. ALL SHIPS WELCOME, including Friend Ships! (If someone posts about what good friends people are, don't respond to their comment shipping them romantically, that will also be deleted)
7. HAVE FUN and USE CAPSLOCK (if you want)

This entry was cross-posted at my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
comments at DW)

more joy day, joy to the world, fandom life

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