Love will not betray you, dismay, or enslave you / it will set you free

Jun 09, 2016 16:11

Hello hello hello, as Lin-Manuel Miranda would say! I continue to spend 99% of my social media time on Twitter, but this is that 1% of time I'm actually at my laptop (gasp!) so HI! (I did get a Snapchat account and finally hit the wall of "I am too old for this shit" with technology because it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE to me and I have this || much interest in figuring it out.)

I continue to be fannishly focused on Hamilton (and Aaron Burr, who fascinates me with his life story), Dragon Age: Inquisition (more on this later), and, now, Mariners baseball. I've been to more Ms game this year already than any previous season, and I have another one tonight, which is exciting. Turns out baseball is EXACTLY the size of the hole football left behind when the Chargers betrayed me, and I am super enjoying it when it is not the worst because being a sports fan is TERRIBLE. I do not recommend it.

TV-wise I'm watching Steven Universe (SO GOOD. SO SO SO GOOD), John Oliver, and Game of Thrones (which has been really exciting now that they're beyond the books! PLUS JAMIE AND BRIENNE ARE GOING TO BE IN A ROOM TOGETHER AGAIN, my heart; I have been waiting, what, two seasons for this?). All my other shows have gone on summer hiatus (and most of those are half-hour comedies, honestly) or been cancelled (*pours one out for Galavant*).

Re: movies, we saw Zootopia the other night and it was DELIGHTFUL, as good as everyone promised me; also we finally watched Captain America: Winter Soldier (I know, I know), and it was also great. Sam is my jam, y'all. (Me, through most of that movie: *meeping 'Saaaaam' quietly*) I have seen basically no other superhero movies past CA:WS and honestly am suffering from superhero fatigue so it will probably just be in drips and drabs and anyway.

My fannish headspace is really wrapped around my female!Inquisitor Adaar/Blackwall from DA:I, so much so that I made an entire vid and then just watched it gleefully to myself for a month or so until I realized that with the sad dearth of Adaar/Blackwall stuff in the DA:I world that someone else may enjoy it, too. So I posted it on Tumblr!

I was actually really really hesitant to even post it there, let alone bring it here, because it's (inadvertently) to a song that obsessive24 vidded already, which I did not know because I hadn't seen the vid and only discovered it when one of my vidder friends saw it in a museum exhibit about vidding. *facepalm* So not only did I vid a song someone already vidded, but a really 'famous' vid! Go team me? Anyway, I haven't watched obsessive's vid yet because I don't want to feel badly about mine since it's SUCH an id vid, but I'm sure it's excellent! And if you have feelings about lady Adaars and Blackwall, there's now a vid for you, too. Hee.

I am also writing a drawer!fic about them, post-Trespasser that is 15,000 words already and about 1/3 done, so there you go. ~Fannishness~ (And don't even get me started on my playlist.)

I've been traveling a lot for work and am headed back near-ish NYC in June and I briefly pondered trying to see Hamilton again but the tickets, at a minimum, are EIGHTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS so no. I suspect things will calm down once a chunk of the cast departs, but wow. Woooooow. I'm super excited for the Tonys this weekend and can't wait to watch that and share the experience on Twitter with folks. I am oddly worried that Hamilton is going to get shut out due to, just, IDK, publicity fatigue? I hope that doesn't happen. Heh.

I'm going to Vividcon this year! I'm also leading a Hamilton panel. Does, um, anyone want to co-mod with me? I honestly even FORGOT I was leading it until the panel list got posted, hee. But I promise I will do my work ahead of time! I just need some assistance with it. Who wants to talk Hamilton and vidding?? ETA: POSITION FILLED! Here's Luck and I are gonna rock this thing.

OH and I wrote a fic for BrynnMck for her birthday that is unbeta'd and extremely saccharine but is about baseball + Hard Core Logo, due South, Sleepy Hollow, Farscape, and BSG (not all at once), so if you are interested in that sort of thing here you go. I really have to get on getting my old dS fic up at AO3. And my vids. *nods firmly to self*

But for now, I am off to ponder my drawer!fic at length.

This entry was cross-posted at my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
comments at DW)

baseball, fic post, hamilton the musical, dragon age, vid post, sports, vidding

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