I'm doing stuff. Things.

Aug 01, 2013 16:17

Hello journalers! Somehow it is AUGUST so it is way past time to post again. I've actually had this draft up for two weeks now (it used to say "it is almost the end of July"), so the fact I am finally posting is basically a miracle.

We are all caught up (for the BBC America schedule at least) of Being Human UK now. I was really uncertain about how to take season 5 after they killed off Annie, too, thus removing THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL CAST WTF. I can't imagine a US show doing that. Heh. But so far I'm really enjoying it. Mostly because, I actually am entirely in love with Hal, Tom is an adorable goof who has been around long enough in the show canon that he feels familiar, and Alex is pretty great just in general - I LOVED her whole thing with Lady Mary in the last episode. The devil storyline is sufficiently freaking me out that I feel invested in the fate of the season. And did I mention I love Hal? He's just so orderly and rule-following and hot. Hee. I eagerly look forward to new episodes each week - though only three more weeks of that and then it's DONE FOREVER BOOOO.

But then Breaking Bad starts up again! MY BODY IS READY for this finale.

Of course now we are stuck in that place of "what show to binge-watch next?" (I tried to find a different word than 'binge-watch' for what I mean - including a visit to my thesaurus - but could not come up with anything; anybody have any suggestions?) Tumblr has provided me eight million suggestions (Orphan Black; Orange is the New Black; Elementary; Hannibal, etc), plus there's always a bunch of older shows we've still never seen that we actually own on DVD in one way or another (Veronica Mars; Heroes - just season 1!; Moonlight...something else I can't remember now). PLUS we never actually finished Homicide: LOTS, which we started back when I had Puplet almost four years ago!

Speaking of: I am still pregnant! Hee. I'm due sometime in the next 3-6 weeks, which is a weird and terrifying thought. I actually need to do a Puplet post as we had our yearly pro photos taken and they came out AMAZING (as per usual; she's so good) AND there have been some interesting developments in Life With Puplet that I want to write down. It is next on my list of blog-related things to do!

Let's see...I finally had Nutella! It was delicious! Nutella + Bananas = MMMMMMMMMMMM.

I actually feel like vidding again. I haven't really been actively wanting to vid for awhile. I'm even getting NEW vid ideas, which ALSO hasn't happened for awhile. The vid ideas that are most demanding right now are: my sole Breaking Bad vid which really needs the last 8 eps of the finale to work; my Game of Thrones vid which really needs good Season 3 source to work; another Michael/Mahone vid but this time just season 4/The Final Break (I listened to this vidsong five times in a row in the car today); a potentially really terrible vid to the movie Trapeze that honestly might just only work in my head; and a really sweet vid for the Mo Willems' Gerald and Piggie books meant for PRESCHOOLERS. *facepalm*

The Prison Break one might win out just because I'm most familiar with the source/it's easiest to rip at this point. But we'll see. I'm kind of feeling those G&P books.

At least I'm getting interested in vidding again around Vividcon, so I can enjoy the incoming glut of vids to watch! I haven't WATCHED a vid in a really really long time either. Well - that's not totally true, I have watched a couple. But I've been very bizarrely disconnected from vidding in all forms (watching/talking/producing) for a long time now. I'm not sure why, but I do actually believe that I will come back to it. Maybe these last two years have just been a fallow period. (Of course, getting back into vidding right before having a second child is INCREDIBLY BAD TIMING. But that's pretty SOP for me.)

Finally, a meme I stole from tumblr, because I think it could be fun:

Tell me the 5 things you would put on a pentagram to summon me!

*wave* HI Y'ALL. HI.

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puptoo, breaking bad, being human uk, vidding, vid talk

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