2012 Fannish Year In Review

Jan 02, 2013 12:24

I keep calling this 'Fannish' Year In Review, but lately all I do is vid. May have to change up that title next year.

2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011

The Vids
Feeling Like A Ghost (Bubba Ho-Tep) - Made for Festivids 2012 (2011? I don't know how we're numbering these anymore - anyway, I released it in 2012 and even though I technically made it end of 2011/beginning of 2012, this is how I count my Festivids). I wasn't sure how I felt about this vid for awhile, but I re-watched it and I like it. I think it told the specific thematic story I wanted to tell (and that I personally took from the movie, which I know was very hit-or-miss for the few people who've seen it) and it told it pretty well.

Bitchin' Party Intro Vid (Dante's Cove) - Not technically a 'real' vid but my output was so small this year I'm including it anyway. :P I heard this went over well at BP itself, but I had car issues and so missed it actually being shown. TYPICAL. This was really fun to throw together. I went looking for royalty-free music to find the clip I used there, and then I just looped it twice. The vid still made me laugh when I watched it.

My Love Is My Love (The Persuaders) - My only "true" vid of the year (made for myself, full-length, and made entirely in 2012). Brett and Danny kidnapped my fandom feelings for much of the middle of the year, including me making a fannish soundtrack for them, which is something I haven't done since Michael/Mahone. I haven't actually had any really big 'ships since M/M. Anyway, Brett/Danny filled me with All The Feelings, so I had to vid them. I had several potential songs but for some reason it was this one that pulled ahead in the horse race and demanded to be made. Which was a mistake in terms of trying to pimp people into the show (especially since the vid was NOT made for that), because it's not only a fairly personal look at how Danny sees Brett and their relationship, but it also is a slow song and serious and that made it hard to use such a fun and upbeat source (at least on the surface visually; I think the source supports this reading of it, but not necessarily just by looking at it). I still love this vid, though.

Overall Thoughts - This is by far my lowest vid output for a year, EVER. I made one actual full vid for myself. I think the reason is a combination of spending a lot of time on photography, having a really active three-year old, and all the personal stuff going on with dealing with AHH's family and my job. Oh and I did spend a lot of time putting together the vid show for Bitchin' Party, so that ate up a huge chunk of my fannish time, too, at least in the first few months of the year. Vidding time is precious these days and now it's on permanent hold until we can get my computer fixed. However, I like the vids I made this year, and I'm extremely excited about some ideas I have coming up and don't feel (for the moment at least) like I am a total Vidding Failure, which is a nice change, so there's that! Plus even though I didn't get to officially finalize it, I love my Festivid for this year, which is a nice change.

My favorite of my own vids this year:
So many to choose from! Hee. "My Love Is My Love," easily. It's all tied up in my fannish feelings for it, and I thought it eventually ended up looking how I wanted it to when I imagined it.

My best vid this year:
Oh I don't know...probably MLIML.

Vid of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Probably "Feeling Like A Ghost." Even for a Festivid, it didn't get very many comments at all.

Most fun video:
Definitely the Bitchin' Party Intro vid!

Video with single sexiest moment:
The lap dance in the BP Intro vid probably. Although it is both sexy and hilarious, so.

Hardest video to make:
HMMM. Probably MLIML because there was a point there that I honestly believed it could not be salvaged, that the idea was unworkable with the source (and talent) I had and it would never see the light of day. I managed to overcome that! But it was touch-and-go for awhile.

Most unintentionally *telling* video:
Gosh I don't know. I'm removing this question next year.

Do you have any goals for the New Year?
I pretty much failed at my goals for last year but I always like to remain optimistic, so:

1. Get the vidding computer situation fixed. Even if I have to figure out a way to get this old desktop up and running, it can be done!

That's the only thing I'm going to actively hold myself to this year, actually. Other things I would LIKE to do assuming that one gets done: finish the Wonderfalls vid I started (oh crud and never exported or saved to the backup drive, sigh, so I guess RE-START that vid); make one of two Kings vid ideas; make the Michael POV Michael/Mahone vid idea that just bit me a week ago; maybe someday make the Sweet Charity vid I still owe Greensilver from 2007 (I am a terrible person); while I would love to make a Club Vivid or Premiere vid for VVC, it's unlikely either one will happen, unless I can finish one of the above vids and use it as a Premiere (since none of them are dancey-enough for CV); make my Coach/Tami from FNL vid that always makes me cry when I listen to the song; my Brett (from the Persuaders) POV Brett/Danny vid; and maybe even that second Festivid idea I had that I ripped the source for that I'll never actually do for Festivids itself.

So many big dreams! We'll see what actually happens.

If you have any specific questions about any of these vids, feel free to ask! As always, many, many, many thanks and gratitude to my betas and also to all the people who took the time to leave a comment on my work. It's worth repeating, as it is every year: for the people who say they "only" comment and don't produce much or anything - you all are doing a huge service for fandom. Thank you.

meme-tastic, vidding, vid talk

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